Chapter 8

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It had been a week or so since Zoey's outburst, and everything changed a bit. Drew had been more quiet, and Jake learned from Mr. García that he was starting therapy soon.

Luke also had to get some stitches where he'd been stabbed, luckily it didn't dig enough to his heart. He was still recovering, but was going to be released out of the hospital soon.

Today, Drew was visiting him.

Drew opened the door, to see Luke casually scrolling through his phone. He spotted Drew, and quickly turned his phone off. "Hey, Drew! How are you holding up? Heard from Jake you're starting therapy soon."

"Good," Drew nodded. He hesitated, before speaking up. "How about you?"

"Bored out of my mind, but good I guess. The doctors said I'll be let out of the hospital in a day or two, they just want to make sure I don't get some infection," Luke explained.

Drew sighed. "I'm sorry..."


"I- I'm sorry you got hurt trying to save me..."

"Drew, it's not your fault... Just- Come over here," Luke gestured for Drew to come further.

The boy blinked, before stepping closer to Luke's hospital bed.

Almost immediately, he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around him.

"Listen. I would do the same thing hundreds of times if I had to, if it meant you'd be safe."

Drew blinked back tears, as he hugged Luke back. "... O-okay..."

"Now, what're they doing for the book report? I mean, I know we finished our slides and already submitted them, but we also need a presentation grade!"

"Miss Jones is letting us skip the presentation part of the grade, after everything that's happened. So congrats, we aced it," Drew explained.

"Yay!" Luke cheered, pumping his fists up into air, before falling back onto his bed. "Any other news at school? I already know I missed that math test yesterday from when Zander came to visit me, and that there's going to be a new couple soon. Anything else?"

Drew blinked. "New couple? What? Oh, you mean..."

"Jake and Zander," The two said synchronized.

"Yeah, Jake's becoming bigger simp for Zander than Daisy," Drew laughed lightly. "But what about Zander?"

"We were talking about Jake's favorite jacket, and Zander accidentally said, 'He looks stupidly hot in that jacket, though.' You should've seen his face after he realized what he said! It was as red as a tomato!" Luke snickered.

"Oh my God, they're going to be a couple. Wait- But I thought you liked him?"

"Eh, I used too. I stopped a week or two ago, I think," Luke shrugged.

Drew blinked. Oh...

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