Chapter 6

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Luke was scrolling through his phone, when he saw Jake run up to him. "Luke! Have you seen Drew anywhere!?"

"... No? Why?" Luke gulped. Does this have to do with what I heard last night..?

"Listen to this voicemail he left me!" Jake quickly turned his phone to face Luke, and Luke held it up to his ear.

"J-jake... Please... Help-"

"What're you doing!?"

"I- I'm not-"

"Get the fuck away from that phone!"

"Give me back my-!"


"... Whoever the fuck this is, don't do anything. I can and will harm him."

Then voicemail ended in a worrisome click. "... Was that Zoey..?"

"You said you were at Drew's house last night, right?" Luke nodded. "C'mon! We've got to go!"

The two hopped into Jake's car, who immediately zoomed out of the school. They soon reached Drew's house, and Jake rang the doorbell.

Mr. García answered, a confused expression on his face. "Hello? Hasn't school started for you?"

"Is Drew here!?" Jake shrieked.

"... No... He said he was going to Zoey's for a sleepover, the last I heard."

Jake gulped.

"Why? Did something happen to my son?"

"We'll explain later! We've got to go to Zoey's house! Do you know where that is!?" Luke turned to Jake.

"I went there once, I have it saved on my phone. C'mon!"

Once again, the two drove practically faster than the speed of light, in hopes of saving Drew.

The soon reached Zoey's house, and Jake started banging on the door, as Luke prepared to call nine-one-one.

The door opened, to reveal the blonde that they blamed for Drew's absence. "J-jake? What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Where's Drew!?" Jake scowled.

Zoey's eyes dimmed. "What the Hell did he tell you?"

Jake shoved Zoey to the side, peering into her house.

"Hey! I could get you arrested for this!" Zoey gasped, as he back hit the wall.

"And I could have to arrested for what I recorded last night," Luke spat back, dialing nine-one-one. "Hello?"

"Hey! Don't you fucking dare!" Zoey shrieked, clawing Luke, aiming for his phone.

"Quick, track my location!" Luke told the person on the other end. "I'll stay on as long as I can-"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Zoey cackled, grabbing the phone.

"You're forgetting someone..." Luke smirked.

"Huh?" Zoey's eyes widened. "Jake, you son of a bitch!"

The boy had entered Zoey's household, when he saw a light on in only one of the rooms.

He smiled slightly, opening the door. Drew laid on the floor, tears freely flowing. He had many scrapes and bruises, and his clothes had been sprawled across the floor.

"Drew!" Jake gasped.

"Don't you touch him, you asshole!" Zoey tackled Jake from behind.

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