Chapter 18

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Drew stretched his arms. He had finally gotten Luke's phone, but it had turned off and needed a password to work. In grief, he threw the phone at Luke, who somehow managed to catch it.


"Yeah?" Luke hummed, checking over his phone case and screen to make sure there wasn't any damage.

"I think I'm ready for an actual relationship."

Luke's eyes widened, a smile forming on his lips. "Really!?"

"Yeah... I know for sure now you're nothing like Zoey."

"Yes!" Luke cheered. "So does this mean we can do all the things couples do on a normal basis? Holding hands? Cuddles? Kisses!?"

Drew laughed. "I can tell how long you've been waiting for this. Sure we can. Just remember if I seem grouchy, either I want extra attention, or I want you to leave me the fuck alone. You can usually tell which."

"Got it," Luke nodded.

Drew sighed, opening the door. "Dad, I'm home!"

"Welcome back!" Mr. García hummed, placing down the newspaper. "How was your date?"

"Good, we're officially a couple!" Drew smiled.

"Well, that's wonderful! If he tries anything, let me know immediately. Alright?"

"Of course, Dad. I'm not going through another Zoey again..." Drew rolled his eyes. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Alright," Mr. García nodded.

Drew walked up to his room, opened the door, and flopped onto his bed. "I love Luke... I'm so lucky to be with him," He muttered, thinking back to when they first got paired up.

"Drew García and Luke Peterson..."


"He's caring..."

"Drew, it's not your fault... Just- Come over here," Luke gestured for Drew to come further.

The boy blinked, before stepping closer to Luke's hospital bed.

Almost immediately, he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around him.

"Listen. I would do the same thing hundreds of times if I had to, if it meant you'd be safe."

Drew blinked back tears, as he hugged Luke back. "... O-okay..."


Drew slowly crept closer to Luke, who has his AirPods in and seemed to be listening to music. Just as Drew was about to pounce on him, he heard Luke say, "Hey, Drew!"

Drew stopped. "... You knew I was here?"

Luke chuckled, taking out one of his AirPods. "These weren't playing anything. I saw your car coming, and then you were starting to creep closer. I decided to pull my own prank on you."

"And he truly cares about me..."

"Drew?" He heard through his thoughts. He glanced, to see Luke standing a few feet away. "... I'm going to take a step closer to you, is that okay?"

Drew hesitated. What if he's going to hurt you!? Don't let him take a single step!

"P-please go away..." Drew muttered, taking a step back.

Luke sighed, staying right where he was. "I'm not going to leave, but I'll give you some space... Alright?"

Suddenly a notification is phone sounded, snapping him out of his thoughts. He grabbed his phone, to see more than one texts from none other than Luke.


Like my new lock screen?

Underneath was the picture Luke had taken at the park, with a digital clock in front of it.

Drew smiled.


I love it.

The End

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