Chapter 17

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Luke hummed, getting out of his car and leaning against the movie theater door. Drew and him had decided to go on a date to the movies, and Luke had begged to watch a horror movie. Apparently, he was into that stuff.

Reluctantly, Drew had agreed. He had come from the other side of the parking lot, and had decided to try and scare the auburn-haired boy.

Drew slowly crept closer to Luke, who has his AirPods in and seemed to be listening to music. Just as Drew was about to pounce on him, he heard Luke say, "Hey, Drew!"

Drew stopped. "... You knew I was here?"

Luke chuckled, taking out one of his AirPods. "These weren't playing anything. I saw your car coming, and then you were starting to creep closer. I decided to pull my own prank on you."

Drew scoffed. "How observant of you."

"Thank you. Now, how are you?" Luke rolled his eyes playfully yet again.

"Good. You?" Drew scoffed in a teasing tone.

Luke smirked. "Better now that you're here. No, wait-!"

Drew nearly choked. Holy shit he just flirted with me.

"I- Ugh-" Luke gulped nervously.

"... If you're thinking I didn't like it, just know that was smooth," Drew shook his head, trying to get rid of the blush.

"Heh..." Luke smiled awkwardly.

"C'mon, let's go inside," Drew huffed, grabbing Luke's hand and leading him inside.


"Holy-!" Drew practically screamed, clinging to Luke's arm. He glanced at the auburn-haired boy, seeing he didn't even flinch. "How the fuck are you not scared!?"

Luke scoffed. "This is lame. The blood's obviously fake, and I can see the 'corpses' breathing. Plus, there hasn't even been anything even close to a jump scare!"

"What is wrong with you?" Drew muttered. He heard another ear-piercing gasp from the screen, and immediately dug his head into Luke's shoulder.

Luke blinked, before smiling lightly and grabbing his drink.


The couple exited the theater, Drew a shaking mess. They both decided to walk to the park for a quick walk. "I still don't know how you didn't flinch even once throughout that whole damn movie!"

"I just always look for the stupidness in them, I suppose," Luke shrugged, before seeing that Drew had his hands on his arms, rubbing them quickly. He had worn a different, thinner shirt than normal, and was deeply regretting it.

Luke smiled slyly. He slipped off his jacket, and placed it around Drew.

Drew blinked, looking at him. "Y'know now you're going to be cold, right?"

"I actually wore a thick shirt. Unlike someone..." Luke winked in a teasing tone.

"Oh, shut up!" Drew scoffed, shoving Luke lightly.

Luke laughed, before taking his phone out and holding it in front of him.

"... What're you doing?" Drew asked.

Luke pressed a button, smiling. "I just got a picture. Take a look!" He flipped his phone, revealing a picture of Drew wearing his cardigan.

(See comment)

"Oh my God, delete that right now! My hair's messed up! I would've dressed up if I knew we were doing pictures..." Drew grabbed Luke's wrist, reaching for the phone.

"Hey, bad boy!" Luke scolded playfully, grabbing his phone with his other hand.

"Give me that phone!" Drew declared, tackling Luke, causing them both to tumble down into the grass.

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