Chapter 9

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Drew was talking with Liam and Henry, trying to please both of them about a conversation.

"Just... Agree that people have different opinions..." Drew sighed.

"But that dude has a serious mommy kink that needs to be addressed!"

"Well you have a lettuce addiction that's almost as bad as vaping!"

"Lettuce is healthy, unlike drooling over Mom's that are probably three times your age!"

"Oh my God, shut Hell up!" Drew shrieked.

"Drew?" Luke laughed lightly, walking up to the magenta-haired boy. "What's going on?"

"These idiots are babbling over their flaws again. They're the real freaks."

"Hey!" Henry gasped, dramatically. "I thought you loved us!"

"Sure, I love teasing you bitches!" Drew smirked, flipping them off before turning to Luke. "Anyway-"

"Drew!" Jake ran up to the boy. "I have a problem!"

"You're a bi disaster?"

"I mean- Pretty much..." Jake cleared his throat. "You see, I kind of like this boy..."

"Zander," Drew and Luke said in sync.

"Ehm, yeah. And I'm kind of planning on confessing today... I have a bouquet in my locker... But I have no fucking clue what to do."

The two boys' eyes widened. "Oh my God!" The both shrieked.

"Okay, you're going to need an outfit. You fit my size, right?" Drew asked.

"Ugh, yeah... Why?"

"I have a suit with me just in case this happens. C'mon, it's in my locker!" Drew swung open the door, before taking out some clothes and handing them to Jake.

"Do it in the Music Club rehearsal at lunch. I'll distract Zander the best I can, while you get dressed. Text me once you're ready."

"O-okay..." Jake stuttered out. "How long have you guys been planning this?"

Drew and Luke glanced at each other. "For a while now... Like... Since I started therapy?"

"Oh... How's that with you?" Jake asked.

"It's good. She's helping me get over everything. And get this- She's a lesbian, married to a woman and everything. So I told her I'm bi..." Drew smiled.

Jake eyed Luke. "Nice..."

"Anyway, good luck on finally getting a boyfriend!" Drew shoved Jake away. "Now go. I don't want to be seen with a friend like you."

"Offended but understood," Jake scoffed, with an eye roll.


"Zander! Can I show you some songs that I found? They're by Rival, my favorite!"

"Ugh, sure," Zander shrugged, as Luke pulled out his AirPods. "But don't take long, I don't want to be late to rehearsal.

"Of course! It's only two songs..." Luke laughed lightly.

Meanwhile, in the Music Club, Jake was a mess. He had the outfit on, had the bouquet, and explained everything to the club. They were all supportive, and Milly had the most evil look on her face. Now he just had to text Luke.

"M-my hands are shaking!" Jake stuttered. "I- I can't text him without making at least twenty typos!"

"Give me that!" Hailey sighed, snatching the phone out of Jake's hand. She calmly typed, I'm ready then gave the phone back to Jake. "Your welcome."

"T-thanks..." Jake took in a deep breathe. "Okay... Calm down, Jake... You're only going to propose to the love of your life, start dating, get married, and have a hamster-" Jake's right eye twitched. "But if you mess this up, no dating, no marriage, no hamster... And you're going to die an old bitchy man with twenty crows-!"

Hailey, Sean, and Milly were practically rolling on the floor in laughter as Jake ranted about his future.

And then the door opened, to reveal Luke and Zander. Zander was as confused as ever.

"... Jake?"

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