Chapter 5

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Luke had decided to come over to Drew's house to work on the project, and Drew simply agreed, saying, "Zoey might randomly barge in. Don't worry, I gave her the key, she's not breaking in."

The boy led his brunette companion to his room, as Luke marveled at the house. "Dad, we'e going to be working on a school project!"

"Okay! Make sure not to do anything other than the project, until it's done! And you know what I mean by that!" Mr. García called out.

Drew turned red. "Dad! I'm still with Zoey!" He huffed, before slamming his bedroom door shut.

"... What was that about?" Luke blinked.

"Ugh..." Drew sighed. "My dad likes to tease me ever since I came out as bi," At least I know he's not homophobic... He obviously likes that dweeb.

Luke hummed. "Nice to know... Anyway, shall we begin?"

Drew nodded, as he pulled up another chair to his desk.


"Drewy-Bear! Your princess has arrived!" A shrill voice hollered, as the door opened and closed.

"I'm in my room," Drew called back. "Get prepared... She can be pretty loud when she's here."

Luke nodded hesitantly.

"I missed you, Drewy-" Zoey paused, as she opened the door to see Luke sitting next to Drew. "Why's that freak here?"

"School project, don't get-" Drew was cut off as Zoey grabbed his hand, dragging him into his private bathroom.

Luke hummed, keeping an ear open and hitting record on his phone and moving right in front of the bathroom door once it was shut firmly.

Zoey closed the door, making sure to lock it, before returning to her boyfriend. "Now tell me, motherfucker. What is that bitch doing in your house!?"

"We're only doing that book report! I'm not doing anything with him except working on a slideshow!" Drew snapped back. "Quit assuming that anyone I'm in my room alone with is making out with me!"

Zoey's right eye twitched. "Oh, Drewy-Bear... You know better than to talk back to me," The blonde hissed, her words dripping from her mouth like poison. She dashed behind Drew, grabbing him by his hair.

Drew cursed. "Fuck-!"

"Quiet! We can't let anyone hear us!" Zoey snapped, and Drew shut his mouth instantly. She strained his head towards his sink, before ramming his head into the edge of his marble sink. "Don't ever talk back to me again, or I'll do much worse!"

Drew breathed heavily.

"Answer me, you little piece of shit!"

"O-okay! I won't!" Drew wheezed out. "I-I'll tell Luke to leave..."

"Good," Zoey smiled, as Drew scrambled for his phone.

On the other side of the door, Luke got a notification and stopped recording. It was a text from Drew.

I think you should go...

Luke texted back, deciding to play dumb.

Why? What's going on in there?

"Just leave, God dammit!" He heard Drew scream from outside the door.

"... Fine. I'll see you at school tomorrow..." Luke sighed.

Once Drew heard his bedroom door shut, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Now... Let's have some fun..."

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