1 ━ how you meet

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edited ( 27 March 2018 )

edited ( 27 March 2018 )

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S T E V E     R.

          You tapped the counter of the small family owned café, bored completely out of your mind. Business was slow, only a few customers stopping in time to time. The weather in DC was beautiful today, people were probably out enjoying their day.

          Suddenly two people entered, the bell at the door chiming sharply. You straightened your apron a bit and smiled lightly from behind the counter. One was female with red hair and green eyes. The other was a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes.

          You took down their orders and they sat at a table not too far away. You heard snippets of their conversation, something about a mission and setting him with a date. The redhead glanced at you a few times, motioning to her friend. The man was shaking his head to whatever she was telling him. You could sort of assume what they were taking about. Some time later, the two finally got up, and approached the counter.

          "My name's Natasha. My friend Steve here would like to know your name, because he finds you undeniably cute."

          The man sputtered, blushing. He tried to deny his friend's words, but he glanced up at you with his brows tilted upwards.

          You laughed, "Thanks, Steve. My name's (y/n). Nice to meet the both of you."

T O N Y     S.

          You had just gotten a job at Stark Industries, thanks to your friend's connection with a few people in the company. Apparently, now that Pepper Potts was the CEO, Tony needed a new nanny.

          You smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles in you new skirt and fiddled with your purse. Today was the first day on the job and you weren't sure what to expect. The receptionist called you over from your seat in the waiting room. She told you that Mr. Stark was waiting in his office. She pointed out an elevator at the side of the room and once you were inside, it began moving all on its own.

          When it stopped at a floor, you walked out slowly and saw the back of a dark-haired man, Tony Stark. At the sound of your clicking heels, he turned and smiled widely.

          "Great to meet you. You know who I am, I won't remember your name. Get me a drink. Non-alcoholic, since it's Wednesday."

          He called out to his system and walked straight out of the room, leaving you to figure out where to go and what to do.

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