10 ━ imagine ⦅ clint b. ⦆

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imagine Clint surprising you with OBC Hamilton tickets & moments at the show.

(y/h/n) - your hero name

          You were humming along with your playlist. Hamilton was currently an obsession of yours, though you had never actually seen the musical. The music took a sudden turn, from the upbeat tune of Helpless to Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story.

          Tears formed at the back of your eyes and you sang along with Philipa Soo's beautiful voice. You paused to place a few clean glasses in a cabinet. You spun around to the sink and grabbed a plate to finish washing.

"Oh. Can I show you what I'm proudest of?" You tuned softly.

"The orphanage," you sang, louder than what was necessary. Emotion overtook you and you swung your arm around. A loud crash caused you to scream out in surprise.

           Footsteps thudded against the wood, making their way to the kitchen. Clint's head popped in through the doorway.

"You okay, babe?" His voice was calm but you could tell that he was scanning the room for potential threats. He just then noticed your tears.

"Oh shit, what's wrong, (y/n)?"

          You glared at the fallen dishes and grabbed them off the floor to wash.

"It's all Lin Manuel Miranda's fault," you pouted.

           You scrubbed a dish and let hot water spill on it. "Why am I crying over Alexander Hamilton?"

           Clint scratched the back of his head, "I'm not following?"

          You threw your hands up in frustration. "Hamilton? The absolutely most amazing Broadway show? Among a few others, of course."

           Clint snapped his fingers, "Right, the Treasury guy whose on the ten dollar bill. I didn't know history was so emotional."

          You sighed and scrolled through your playlist. You selected the first song, Alexander Hamilton. You allowed him to listen in confusion before looking at him in question, "Well?"

          He scrunched his face, "I don't see the appeal."

          You stared at your idiot boyfriend, open-mouthed, "I cannot believe you."

          He shrugged, "That's my own opinion, (y/n)."

          Clint made it obvious that he shared no interest in the musical. So it surprised you when he showed up one day with tickets to the show on Wednesday.

          You rubbed your thumb over the ticket, trying to convince yourself that they were real.

"Did you sell your soul to get these?"

          He rubbed the back off his neck, "Tony got 'em for me. No soul-selling, I promise."

          You squealed and pulled him in for a tight hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

         Clint grunted at the sudden force.

         That weekend, you woke up at nearly three in the morning.

"Let's go, Clint. Come on, come on, come on."

          He groaned and threw a pillow over his head.


          You were crying for what seemed to be the twentieth time. Hearing Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story in person felt so much more emotional when it was in the flesh.

          You clapped along with the enthusiastic crowd as the cast took a bow. Clint seemed to have enjoyed himself, especially during Yorktown.

          One of your favorite moments was surprising him as you were mouth-rapping along with Daveed, who played Lafayette, during Guns and Ships.

         You pulled him by the arm to greet the cast. He seemed genuinely excited and it wasn't too difficult to reach where they were emerging. The two of you clutched your playbills as the cast approached the crowd that had formed.

          You bit your lip as Lin, Leslie and a few others were slowly making their way through the crowd, signing items and chatting with the fans. Clint squeezed your hand reassuringly.

          It seemed like hours when Lin was finally in front of you and Clint. He smiled widely and signed both of your playbills with a flourish.

"What are your names?" He asked politely.

          You hesitated and Clint answered for you, "My name is Clint and this is (y/n). She's a huge fan."

          Lin tilted his head and pointed at you two, "You two look familiar."

"New York is pretty big, you might have seen us before, " You piped up nervously.

          He snapped his fingers and motioned between the two of you. Recognition flashed in his eyes.

"You're Hawkeye." He said slowly, "And you're (y/h/n)."

          You nodded and laughed awkwardly. He gasped and flapped his arms in excitement. He called out to his castmates.

"Guys, guys, look! The Avengers! They're here! Well, two of them. But still!"

           You chuckled at his excitement and how it mirrored your own.  

          The cast made a semi-circle around you and Clint. Anthony was holding onto Jasmine, eyes wide and filled with a childish love.

"I didn't think you guys would be huge fans." You said quietly.

          Lin gasped again, "Are you kidding? You guys save the world and stuff."

          He pulled out his phone, "Can I have picture? For my son, Sebastian."

          You grinned, "Sure! I'd be honored."

          Anthony fangirled to Jasmine, "Can you believe it, Jaz? I think I might die!"

          She rolled he eyes but smiled, "No more dying for you, mister."

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