11 ━ what he calls you

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S T E V E R.

He calls you Sweetheart and Doll because he prefers what he's used to. And when he's a little upset at you / something in general, he calls you Sweetie.

T O N Y S.

He enjoys to tease you and calls you things like Sexy and Babe. And when he's feeling playful, he calls you stupidly sweet names like Hugmuffin and Tutti.

T H O R O.

Being from Asgard, he calls you Lady (Y/n).

P I E T R O M.

He uses names like Prinţesă and Dragoste, Princess and Love. ( I used Romanian because Sokovia is a made up country, i'm jokING children, Sokovia is 100% real )

C L I N T B.

He likes to call you babe. ( i honestly don't know )

B R U C E B.

He doesn't really know what to call you but he calls you gorgeous or beautiful or something like that.

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