6 ━ imagine ⦅ thor o. ⦆

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imagine surprisingly lifting Thor's hammer, the team too stunned to react, and Thor is absolutely giddy.

After the loud guests had left and the team was situated in a circle on the couched, they let loose — cracking jokes and fooling around. (y/n) sat next to Rhodey and Thor, whose arm was slung over her shoulder. Thor was laughing after Tony had said something about the practicality of lifting Mjolnïr.

Clint dramatically exclaimed, "Ye who be worthy to lift the hammer — c'mon man! It's a hoax."

Thor extended his arms as an invitation towards the hammer that was sitting on the coffee table at the center of the group, "Then by all means give it a try, my feathered friend."

Clint frowned at the nickname but still stood and wrapped his hands around the hilt of the hammer. When he failed to lift it, he shrugged and sat back down.

Tony was saying something about fingerprints and technicalities. He tugged as hard as he could and even tried with his armor and Rhodey's help but was still unsuccessful.

Thor pushed Steve out of his seat lightly to get him to join the fun. Steve rolled up his sleeves dramatically for everyone to see and gave a tug at Mjolnïr. To his surprise, it moved a little with his force. Thor's eyes widened comically and he smiled in relief when Steve gave up.

Steve turned to (y/n), who was laughing quietly at her boyfriend's face, "Want to try?"

She opened her mouth to refuse, but her boyfriend just nodded, "Yes, Lady (y/n), I would like to see you try."

She hesitated for a second before smiling and accepting the challenge. She stood in middle of the group and reached in front of her to grasp the hilt of the weapon. She lifted and, in complete surprise, the hammer followed her motion easily.

The conversation that floated in the room stopped suddenly. It was eerily quiet for a beat before Thor stood, clapping a hand on her back. (y/n) stumbled slightly at the force.

"Lady (y/n)," he began, "you most definitely are worthy."

(y/n) looked as though she had swallowed a lemon. She thrust the magical hammer back into Thor's chest, causing him to groan in surprise.

"Uhh, no thanks, I'm good," she said, waving her wrist as a flame followed her palm's movement, "I'll stick to this."

"Show off," Clint muttered.

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