12 ━ imagine ⦅ bruce b. ⦆

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imagine being the only one who is able to calm down the Hulk due to your ability to alter emotions.

          The mission was practically over, and Tony was quick to tell you to find Bruce.

"And please be careful," pleaded Steve through the comm in your ear.

          You rolled your eyes, slamming into a rogue guard's body. You flipped backwards over another man. With a quick movement, you disarmed and shot him. He fell, clutching his wound.

          You scanned the area around you, in search for a sign of the Hulk's cataclysm. Large footprints in the moist earth led you to a secluded grove. A hunched figure you recognized as the angry Avenger was pounding on a tree. He roared loudly, sending birds terrified into the air.

          You crept towards him, keeping your eyes steady and holding the stolen gun tightly. You reached a point a few feet behind him, hidden behind a rock.

"Hey, Big guy. How about you go night-night for now? Let Bruce breath for a bit, yeah?" He turned his head sharply towards you, his eyes flickering with some sort of recognition. He grunted and stomped slowly towards you.

          You held your ground, though it took all of your strength not to run or flinch. You slowly raised your arm to show your harmless motive. He took a step forward, causing you to move back.

"Look at me. Focus." You stated intently at him, trying to convey peacefulness onto him.

          Slowly but surely, his form shrunk and his skin tone faded from the iconic green to Bruce's normal tone. He panted, curling into a tight ball on the grass. You walked towards him, pulling out a fresh bundle of clothes from a messenger bag slung across your shoulder.

          You rolled him over and taped his shoulders lightly.

"Bruce?" His eyes flickered open. "Go get changed in the jet."

          You pulled him up and he clutched the ripped pants. He blushed and ran off.

"Its the other way!"

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