13 ━ first kiss

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S T E V E     R

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S T E V E     R.

          On your third date, Steve took you out to a nice restaurant for lunch and afterwards you went on a stroll in the nearby park. His arm was thrown over your shoulder, though it took a while to convince him that it was fine.

          At one point it began to drizzle, the rain pounding hard and fast. Steve draped his large coat over you as the two of you ran to a bus stop. Once under, you let out a breath and allowed a laugh to escape from your lips. Steve smiled at you shyly and fiddled with his fingers. His blonde hair was swept messily and his soft lips turned slightly upwards.

"Could I — just maybe kiss —"

          Before he could continue, you grabbed onto the sides of his face and pulled him down for a soft kiss. When you absolutely needed air, you pulled away breathlessly.

T O N Y     S.

"I swear, when that motherfucker gets back I'm going to kill him."

          Pepper stood amused as you ranted angrily, nearly pulling out your own hair with worry. Tony had been gone for god knows how long. The two of you had just heard from Rhodey that Tony was on his way to the tower.

          After you had calmed yourself down, JARVIS relayed the message that Tony was on his way up to the floor you were on. The elevator doors opened, revealing Tony in all his glory.

          The first thing you noticed was the new glowing bulb on his chest.

"Tony, what is that?"

          He gave you a crooked smile and kissed you quickly.

"Now, I'll love to stay and chat, but not really so I'm gonna go take a nap."

          You stood still for a moment, trying to comprehend what had happened.

"Anthony Edward Stark! Get back here!"

T H O R     O.

          You should have expected that—with an Asgardian boyfriend—Thor could for weeks without so much as a goodbye. You couldn't have known that he would be back anytime that week, so who could blame you for accidentally whacking him in the chest, thinking he was some sort of burglar.

"It's not like it would hurt though!" You defended yourself, "You have the abs of a god."

          Thor pulled you closer and kissed you on the lips, "I'll hold you to that."

P I E T R O     M.
( technically i did his first kiss, but whatever, bonus prompt )

          You had been trying to get some paperwork done and filed for Tony for the past hour, but a certain speedster was making it extremely hard for you to concentrate.

          Pietro was constantly whizzing by, sending papers flying into the air. After the fifth time it had happened you were absolutely fuming.

"Pietro! Get your ass here or you will have a lot more than Ultron to worry about!"

        A streak of blue made its way towards you and Pietro stood right in front of you, cheeky grin and all.

"What seems to be the problem, my dear?"

"The problem," you glared at his smug grin, "is that I'm trying to get some work done and you find it in yourself to bother me."

        He moved so quickly around you, picking up papers and stacking them in a neat pile.

"I'd like to take you out—as an apology, of course." He gently kissed you on your cheek and raced off before you could answer, sending the papers into the air once again.

          You shook your head at the idiot who hadn't even gotten an answer.

B R U C E     B.

          Tony had so generously allowed you full access to his mini bar after a rough day at work. When he left to go meet up with Bruce in their joint lab, you followed after him, unsteady but quickly nonetheless.

          When Bruce came into view, your mood brightened heavily. You ran towards the man and engulfed him in a hug. He almost dropped the beaker in his hand.

          He removed his glasses and sighed, "Tony —"

          Tony held up a finger, "—nope. I did nothing wrong. Besides, it wasn't that much."

          Bruce raised an eyebrow as you grabbed his hands and spun in a circle before falling down and pulling him with you.

          Tony shrugged, "Okay, fine. But it's not my fault your girlfriend can't hold down a drink."

          Bruce merely sighed when you pleased a sloppy kiss on his forehead.


hey guys! hope you enjoyed that! i know it's been awhile, but I'm trying to be more consistent :))

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