7 ━ chill day

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S T E V E R.

Seeing that you both lived in New York, the urban living could get pretty stuffy, in such a noisy and fast-paced neighborhood. You and Steve began taking day trips on random Saturdays to New Jersey to visit beaches in Wildwood, Belmar, Long Branch, et cetera. You'd pack a nice picnic and walk for a bit on the boardwalk. The visits felt like tranquil escapes from your usually busy lifestyle. && imagine Steve winning you so many stuffed animals ( or vice versa, you winning them for him )

T O N Y S.

He'd sometimes take you out to dinner at fancy restaurants ( sometimes in different countries too, that over achiever ). He didn't really care about the expense as much as he did your perplexed expression as you tried to read through the complicated menu. After dinner, he was sometimes able to persuaded you to let him fly you to the top of the Empire State Building / Eiffel Tower.

T H O R O.

Thor didn't exactly know his way around Earth, or New York for that matter. So you would take him two days a week to go sightseeing and learning about the beauty of New York.

P I E T R O M.

He enjoyed bringing you to different types of fairs and carnivals when they were in town. You've been to many Art, Food, and Science Festivals.

C L I N T B.

Clint and you were very athletic and competitive. So whenever you had free time from work, you'd challenge each other at different sports — soccer, basketball, football, and even bowling ( and it sometimes extended to wii sports ). Usually, the games would end in a tie, but sometimes one of you would triumph.

B R U C E B.

Bruce and you were huge science nerds, so when Tony hooked you up with VIP passes to a bunch of science centers, you were both extremely excited. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you went every weekend.

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