28 ━ what he wants

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S T E V E     R.

          He wants to treat you the best he can, like a gentleman should. He wants to always be there for you, to make sure you're happy and that you never feel rejected or upset. He wants to make sure that you get that dance, like he couldn't with Peggy.

T O N Y     S.

          He wants to be completely and utterly involved with this relationship. He wants to be loyal to you, and you alone. He wants to buy the world for you, and make sure that he is a good boyfriend. He wants to know your allergies. ( 🍓 )

T H O R     O.

          He wants to pamper you and treat you like his princess. He wants you to be accepted by his family. He wants to be a better, less arrogant person for you. And even though he holds Mjolnir, he wants you to see him as worthy.

P I E T R O     M.

          He wants to always be there for you. He was never able to care for anyone (other than Wanda) so he wants to get it right with you. He wants you to always be with him, not in a clingy way, he just wants to never feel alone. He wants to support you and be that arm for you to cry on. He wants to love you to his fully capacity.

C L I N T     B.

          He wants to always make you laugh. He's always scared that you'd leave him for one of the other Avengers. He wants to be interesting and cool. He tries to crack as many jokes as he can because he wants you to find him funny and interesting. He wants to match up to the standard of the others.

B R U C E     B.

          He wants to stay calm. He wants to make sure that the other guys never hurts you. He doesn't even want you to meet the Hulk. He's scared that you'd leave him so he tries to always be gentle.

P E T E R     P.

          He wants to keep you away from the superhero stuff. He would much rather you didn't be seen with Spiderman. He wants to protect you as much as he can. He wants to protect you and make sure you don't get hurt or even die, like the other people in his life.

B U C K Y     B.

          He wants to be good, be a better person then the Winter Soldier. He wants to never relapse and accidentally hurt you. He wants to be more outgoing and open. He wants to keep you away from his metal arm. He wants to be the old Bucky Barnes.

L O K I     L.

          He wants to show you that he's a changed man. He wants to stay away from his old ways and be a better person. He wants to be friendlier and less of an asshole ( even though he'll always be a sarcastic guy ). He wants you to accept him, even though he was evil and adopted. He thinks that he isn't good enough because he's a frost giant.

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