4 ━ imagine ⦅ tony s. ⦆

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imagine staying up tiring nights to try to help Tony sleep after the Battle of NY

You wake to the familiar sound of Tony shifting around in his sleep, mumbling and babbling incoherent words and phrases and pleas. You might not have heard him if you weren't already used to the pattern.

You sit up quickly and place a cool hand on Tony's sweaty forehead. You throw the covers off of you and run to the bathroom at the opposite side of the room, grabbing a cool rag . When you head back to your bed, you see the blanket had been thrown onto the ground and your boyfriend was sitting up, hunched over himself. You sit on the bed next to him, placing the cold cloth on his forehead.

After he takes deep breaths to calm down, you remove the cloth and run you fingers through his hair. He wraps his arms around your waist and continues stuttering out how it had been New York. It was always New York. You sooth Tony back into a peaceful slumber and pray that you could one day do more to help him.

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