42 ━ gold tie | tony

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prompt; "Fuck you. Oops, sorry, autocorrect."

"This is a real life conversation."

warning; more cursing and mature themes.
( fuckboy part 2 )

          Somehow, (y/n) found herself back at the dingy bar from Stark's party. She wasn't exactly sure why, but she felt anxious and decided that the club was the perfect place to get lost in. It wasn't a quiet place, by all means, but at this moment she didn't want quiet.

          She figured that the tasteless loud music would drown out her thoughts. She maneuvered her way through the dancing mob of people and for a second, she envied their carelessness. (Y/n) reached the bar table and nearly collapsed into the stool.

          She ordered a Shirley Temple and grumbled in her seat. (y/n) glared accusingly at the neon strobe lights bordering the area. She hunched her shoulders in an attempt to hide her face and come off as just another drunk in the room. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a young man dressed in a golden shaded suit. She turned her head slightly to make out who he was.

          Seeing him clearly, she cursed at the unfortunate coincidence. Out of all the possible New Yorkers to spot in the club, Tony Stark, in all his glory, was approaching the table. She turned her head and downed the liquid in the glass.

"Fancy seeing you here, (l/n)."

          (y/n) winced and turned her upper body to look at the dark-haired man on the stool next to her. His face was covered by a pair of red-tinted sunglasses. He ordered a drink and placed his glasses in his pocket.

"I expected you to still be with Ana. I thought her gift would take a longer time to give."

          Stark shrugged, "I left early. It's too much work to break up with her in person."

          (y/n) let a grin slip onto her face.

"Really? Ana seemed to tell me a different story this morning. According to her, Ana left you with a note."

          Tony paled slightly, "I'm not. . .that's not. No comment."

          (y/n) snorted, "I'm not a reporter, Stark. The only reason I'm concerned is because Ana asked me to give you something. A parting gift, if you will."

          She pulled a small wrapped package out of her purse and extended her arm to him. For whatever reason, he refused the object.

"I don't like to be handed things. Just open it."

          Grumbling, she teared open the package. Inside lay a small card and another smaller package, wrapped only in tissue paper. She placed them on the table in front of him. He stared at the contents accusingly before finally deciding to open it. His eyes flicked over the message scrawled onto the card. He furrowed his brows. (y/n) sighed in annoyance.

"Just open the damn thing already."

           Tony rolled his eyes and dramatically lifted the tape holding the paper in place. His eyes widened slightly as he lifted the golden tie. He recognized the tie as the one he had worn on the day of his party. It had been washed and cleaned save for the red lipstick mark on the bottom.

          He stared open-mouthed at her, eyes flickering between her and the tie. She hid her laugh behind her hand as she attempted to explain the situation.

"Ana thought you deserved a taste of rejection. It's supposed to be symbolic."

          He narrowed his eyes and her and crumbled the cloth in his hand.

"You must have really been bad if she couldn't stand you in bed."

"Fuck you."

          At her mock-horrified look, he rolled his eyes, "Oops, sorry, autocorrect."

          (y/n) raised an eyebrow, "This is a real life conversation."

          Tony placed a hand on his chest, "I had absolutely no idea. Thank you for that unnecessary commentary."

         (y/n) grinned, ignoring his sarcasm, "I believe she called it a Cheeto Dick."

"That is completely false," he defended himself. She rolled her eyes, "Sure it is."

         He shot back his reply immediately "Wanna try for yourself?"

She smiled slyly at him and laughed.

you get to choose whether you take up his offer.

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