26 ━ haircut | bucky

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yes i rewrote the whole thing I'm sORRY i couldn't help it.
warning: none? i think.
word count: 1044
( edit: i just got my hair cut over the weekend and i loooove it. my brother thinks i look like edna mode, my mom thinks im elastagirl (or dora), and i think i look like aunt cass from big hero 6 or the other mother (from coraline). basically every short, dark haired lady )


Maddie was never told about the struggles of maintaining long hair.

Though exaggerated slightly, it was true that taking care of her hair was nearly impossible, especially on hot days. She'd never really told anyone about how she felt, not even her boyfriend. Bucky always spoke about how much he loved her hair and how he liked to play with it when they cuddled. Maddie felt a little guilty everytime he would run his hands through the long strands.

On late wine nights with Nat, she would mention how she'd been meaning to get it cut for awhile. Nat was probably the only person she'd ever tell her secert wish to. Natasha would try to convince her that short hair was so much easier.

          "I'm just saying that you'd look cute with short hair," Nat said, "Bucky loves you for being Maddie, not because you have long hair."

Maddie ran her thumb over the smooth glass of her drink, "I guess so. I just don't want him to be uncomfortable."

Nat snorted, "And how do you feel right now with long hair? You're obviously not happy with it."

          "True," Maddie bit her lip, "Okay maybe I'll schedule an appointment for Friday."

Natasha lifted her glass dramatically, "A toast! To courage and cute haircuts!"

Maddie giggled, lifting her drink ironically, "Yeah, okay."


Maddie was still hesitant as she slipped out of the Tower. She tried to think optimistically about it, how it was going to look and how she was going to feel. She was excited, she really was. But her mind kept thinking about Bucky's reaction and how possible it was that he would hate it. She brushed the thoughts away. It my choice, she thought, I want this.

The door to the salon felt heavy. Dread sunk in the pit of her stomach at the sound of snipping and the tufs of hair littered on the floor. A woman sweeping glanced over at her and smiled warmly. She set the broom aside and made her way behind the counter. Maddie glanced at the emptying store. Almost everyone getting their hair cut was done.

          "Hi! What can I do for you today?" Maddie glanced at her name tag ( it said Glinda ) and cleared her throat.

          "I, uh, would like to get a haircut?" Maddie internally groaned at her stuttering reply. But Glinda only nodded happily and led her to a chair.

          "Okay, I can help you with that. Do you want it to be washed and blow dried too?" Glinda ran her hand through Maddie's hair, getting a feel of her palette.

Maddie nodded, "Without the blow drying, yeah. Could I get it cut short? Like up to here?"

She motioned to a point near her neck. Glinda nodded and parted her hair, examining it. She led Maddie to the sink and turned on the warm water. She lathered the hair with shampoos and conditioners, rinsing and washing. After a while, she turned off the faucet and wrapped a towel around Maddie's dripping hair. Glinda guided her back to the large swivel chair. She spun Maddie around and started combing through it.

Finally, it was time for it to be cut. Maddie forgot about her fears and smiled giddily as she felt the first lock of hair falling to the ground. She held in a happy giggled when she saw her long hair shorten by the minute.

At the end of the hour, Maddie's hair was done and a noticeable amount shorter. She smiled lightly as she ran her hand through the short cut. She figured that even if Bucky didn't like it, she loved the look.

Maddie tried sneaking into the Tower silently, wanting to delay Bucky seeing her. She felt a little guilty about not wanting to see him, but thanks to Tony she didn't have to. The second he spotted her, he let out a small laugh.

She glared at him, but all he did was pat her head a few times. He smiled crookedly, "Wait until the metalhead sees this."

Maddie shoved him a little bit as Nat glanced up from her newspaper. She smirked knowingly.

          "Told ya you'd look good."

Maddie smiled, pulling a short strand of hair behind her ear, "You're just being nice."

She hear a heavy pair of footsteps coming from her left. Please be Steve. Or Clint. Or even freaking Loki.

          "Doll? That you?"

Ah, shit. Okay so she'd have to confront him earlier that she was ready for. She turned to Bucky, nervously smoothening her skirt.

          "Hey, so my hair is short now. Wow, uh, surprise?" Maddie looked away from her boyfriend, trying to melt into the floor. Bucky stared at her mouth open. Maddie swallowed thickly.

          "I, woah. You look so pretty. Like, you're always pretty! But you look so much more happy." He glanced at you with guilt.

          "Is it my fault that you didn't want to get it cut earlier?"

Maddie waved her arm, "No? I, uh, yeah okay. A little? I guess I just thought you wouldn't like it? And I was scared you wouldn't want me to cut it? I don't know."

Bucky laughed a little at her ramble, "Doll, I would never not like it. I love you and what ever hairstyle you choose. You look good, but it's never my choice what you do with it. I don't control you or what you do."

Maddie smiled at him, "What if I get a mohawk? Or a nohawk?"

Bucky pretended to contemplate it, "I could definitely see you rocking it."

Maddie hit him lightly as he kissed her. The kiss was sweet at first but Maddie pulled him closer by his hair. Bucky tried to subtly pull her out of the room with him, but Tony groaned when he noticed the couple walking out of the room, peppering each other with kisses.

          "No fair that she gets laid by getting a haircut!" He leaned in closer to the redhead reading an article intently, "Hey, Nat? Would you have sex with me if I—"

He was interrupted by a slap to the face with a rolled up newspaper.

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