39 ━ poptarts | steve

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prompt; "Onwards my noble steed!"
warning; cursing lol
word count; 1197

You were sulking around the tower. Pepper had confiscated your prank box after you had dumped goo all over her. And now, you were bored. You dragged yourself into the kitchen in hopes of a snack. Or someone to bother.

You opened the cabinet, searching for the poptarts you had seen yesterday. After a few minutes of searching and coming up empty handed, you gave up.

"Fuck you, Thor! I was gonna eat those poptarts." You groaned. Just great.

Thor walked into the kitchen, munching on a poptart and holding the box. He froze, mid-bite, when he saw you glaring at him.

"Lady (y/n)? Is everything alright?"

You squinted your eyes, trying to seem intimidating, "It'll be fine. When I have those poptarts, that is."

When he registered what you said, he ran out, poptarts in hand. You gave chase, running through several of the rooms in the tower. You were huffing and puffing by floor 65. Thor didn't seem to be slowing down or getting tired. Well, he is a god.

He began running backwards. "Slowing down, (y/n)?"

You gritted your teeth as he continued to run backwards. Until he crashed into a human wall. The poptarts fell out of his hand. You gasped, catching your breath.

"Steve! Grab it!"

The blonde man turned to you innocently. You motioned for him to pick up the fallen box. He scooped up the box and held it out of both your and Thor's way. You jumped onto Thor and leaned over, reaching for the box. Steve took a long stride away and raised an eyebrow.

You groaned, "Oh no, not the mom glare. Come on Stevie, give it to me."

You reached out for it, but he pulled it away easily. Steve stared at the two of you,"Care to explain?"

Thor shrugged, "Lady (y/n) wants poptarts. My poptarts."

You glared at him, "I bought them, you little shi-"


"Shut the fu-"


"Fine, mom."

Steve sighed. "How about you share them."

You glared at Thor, "Over my dead body."

Thor glared back, "That can be arranged."

He reached out with inhuman speed, snatched the box, and began running away from the two of you. Before you could do anything, he ran out of view, his middle finger flipped up.

You began cursing him, ignoring Steve's protests. You gave him the stink eye and slapped his shoulder.

"I was so close to getting the goddamn box. Now I'll never get it."

Steve sighed, "Well, I'm sorry, but why don't you just buy one from the store?"

You rolled your eyes, "This is a matter of honor. If only I can run faster."

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