41 ━ fuckboy | tony

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prompt; "What a total fuckboy."
warning; cursing. this takes place on Tony's 22nd birthday. Also there are some explicit themes and mentions of alcohol.

          The music was loud, the lights were loud, and the people were loud.

          (y/n) didn't trust drinking the questionable contents of the Dixie cup the tipsy stranger gave her. The male in question attempted to grind on her but she pushed him back and walked off to try and find her friend and get the fuck out of the bar.

          Her friend had begged her to come because it was Tony Stark's party and he was rich and shit, but she was so done with this loose definition of a party, something you'd find in a movie or bad fiction.

          By some miracle, she was able to spot her redheaded friend speaking with some mutuals. A glass filled with some type of alcohol was in her hand. (y/n) attempted to call out to her friend, but the damn music was blasted to full volume and then some.

          Finally, she reached the table and stood right in front of her friend. She called out to her friend again.

"Pepper, I was looking all over for you!" Pepper's eyes lit up when she saw her.

"(y/n), this is Tony's girlfriend. She is very nice. Sit!"

           (y/n) ended up being shoved into a seat next to Pepper and a glass of Scotch was in her hands. She pushed the drink away and took a glance at the smiling girl in front of her.

"So your Tony's bitch of the week. Or day, depends with him."

          Pepper glared at her, but the girl merely smiled.

"Yeah, I know, I'm not stupid. I'm Ana, by the way."

          (y/n) was surprised by her answer, "Usually he goes for the ditzy ones. Why do you still stick around if he's gonna move on in no time."

          Ana grinned, "He's good in bed. I'm only here for the sex."

          (y/n) barked a laugh, "Who would have known, the player gets played."

          Ana took a sip of her drink, "Once he cheated on Emma Larson, you know that weird girl, with her twin sister. They fucked on her bed."

          (y/n) shook her head, "What a total fuckboy."

"Hate you too, (l/n)."

          Tony fucking Stark approached the table, placing his hands on Ana's shoulders.

"Ready to go, babe?"

"Sure Ton. I still haven't given you your birthday gift yet."

          Ana said her goodbyes to the group sitting at the table and winked at Pepper and (y/n).

          She grabbed his golden colored tie and dragged him to god knows where, leaving room for thought.

          (y/n) cupped her hands and called out loud, "Careful, Ana, his dick is really really small."

          She knew that he heard because his middle finger went straight into the air. She laughed along with Pepper. Suddenly, Pepper stared at her intently.

"You two are going to be together one day."

"I don't date fuckboys, Pep."

"I'm just saying."

"Whatever. Can we go now? It smells like vomit."

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