40 ━ kiss, kiss | loki

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this isn't a prompt, but i had an idea so here we are. also i know the timeline is a mess, Frigga is dead but Loki isn't 'Odin'. it's just, i really don't know.
warning; slight angst? also third person
word count; 1054

          Her bright scarlet dress contrasted with the soft lights hanging in the banquet hall. A feast had been set for the mighty warriors who had defended the city of Asgard for many centuries past and more to come.

          Hundreds of elegantly dressed individuals nested around the tables and chatted away heartily. Several fathers and mothers reunited with their loved ones after the long battle.

          She tapped her fingers against the glass table, waiting. She stretched her head, searching hard for her father. He had promised before that he would be at the banquet. Her worry grew but she suppressed it. She couldn't sit still any longer, so she stood up to pour herself a glass of champagne. After a moment of hesitation, she poured one for her father as well.

          When she made her way back to her reserved table, she spotted a figure sitting in her father's seat. Her spirits were lifted and joy seeped into her smile.

"Father! You made it! I was so worried something had happened to you—"

          As she finally approached the table, the person lifted their head revealing a young man her age. His emerald eyes gleamed as he stretched back in the chair in a cat-like manner. Her mouth was wide open. She placed the glasses down on the table. She dipped into a curtsey.

"Your Highness, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"(y/n), am I right? Of the (l/n) family. Oh, do sit."

          She sat stiffly, unsure of why the prince of Asgard was sitting in the seat across from her. He took one of the glasses into his nimble fingers. He raised it to his lips and took a sip.

"Your father, (f/n) (l/n), was quite the warrior. Now, you might be wondering why someone as handsome as me would greet you with my presence."

"Something like that," she muttered.

"Well, he's fine, before you asked. My oaf of a brother asked me to tell you he's in the infirmary. I would have refused to do anything for him, but you're quite ravishing."

          He swept down into a low bow and kissed the smooth surface of her hand. He smiled one more time before disappearing into the crowd. She would have blushed, but her concern was focused on her father.

          She rushed to the infirmary and tried pulling open the heavy doors. Suddenly, they were thrown open from the inside. Thor stepped out and smiled when he saw her.

"Oh, hello Lady (y/n). Your father is resting right now, but you can still see him."

"Yes, thank you."

          She bowed slightly and ran in. She looked around and, seeing her father's sleeping figure, ran to his side. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw that his left leg had been severed right below his knee. She noted multiple scars littered across his face and neck. A few smudges of black soot were spread out over his forehead and down his cheeks.

          But he was alive, and that was all that mattered. She placed a hand on his arm and allowed a few tears to escape. She had always believed that the Aesir were immortal, untouched by the pains of the Nine Worlds. Many have died before, but by the trickery of other gods or equally powerful beings. Not from war, something so savage, so very human. She had never understood how similar Midgardians were to her people. She chuckled lightly. No wonder Thor found humans so enjoyable. They were like tinier, pettier versions of the gods.

          She heard footsteps behind her and turned to find Loki strutting in. When he spotted her, he walked to her direction. He bowed his head slightly in her direction and she nodded to him.

          She clasped and unclasped her hands several times before twiddling her thumbs and intertwining her finger. Warn hands grasped her own and she lifted her head to see green eyes staring at her intently. His face was so very close and yet so far.

"I request you presence."

"I beg your pardon?"

          He moved suddenly and offered her his arm to hold. She stood and, giving one last glance at her father, walked out of the infirmary and through the unfamiliar halls of the palace. He led her towards an exit and the were suddenly standing in an open garden.

          She spotted several types of flowers that were native to Asgard but there were many she could not identify.

          She gapped in awe at a bright yellow flower with an orange center. She had seen beautiful flowers on her home world but none as crisp as the one before her. She turned to Loki questioningly. He glanced at the flower and smiled.

"Blomst—marigold. Thor brought several types of Midgardian flowers for Mother's garden. She cherished it dearly."

         Loki smiled bitterly, humor vanishing from his features. She thought back to the night Frigga had died, remembering how grief had overcome the kingdom. She placed her hand on his cheek, trying to convey empathy to him. He smiled lightly, but she could tell he was still upset. It made her sadden to think that he wasn't smiling, that he was suffering, that he will continue to suffer, and that he felt he had no one to turn to.

"The one person who cared for me is dead."

          She lifted her head at his biting words, "Don't say that. Thor cares for you."

"That idiot? He—"

"Is your brother and he cares. Just because you aren't of the same blood doesn't mean you aren't family. And I care for you. You are troubled, you think you need to be alone until you can hide the pain. But that isn't true, Thor and I only wish to help."

"I don't need help, I'm broken far beyond repair."

          She placed a light kiss on his pale hand, similarly to his actions earlier. She raised her head and placed butterfly kisses on his cheeks. She pressed one last kiss to his forehead and stared at his intently.

"Then let's be broken together."

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