37 ━ prompts ( CLOSED )

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EDIT. STOP commenting on this chapter abt who you want me to write for. i specifically updated the chapter title for y'all to stop and i got even more ppl. sorry if I sound mad, im just tired of ppl who don't even vote on my chapters requesting 7 different ppl for the prompts. thank you.

- "Well you're a shitty person."

- "I'm in love."

- "Bibbity bobbity back the FUCK up."

- "Onwards my noble steed!"

- "What a total fuckboy."

- "Fuck you. Oops, sorry, autocorrect." "This is a real life conversation."

- "You make a cute puppy."


- "I will beat the shit out of you."

- "Do you always cure this loudly?"
"Only on Tuesdays."

- "I am so posting this on YouTube."

- "I fucking dare you."

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