18 ━ your powers

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S T E V E     R.

          you can control nature. you cause plants to shoot out of the ground, and flowers to bloom, and vines to wrap around enemies from seemingly nowhere. you have the ability to grow anything, even if the season for that fruit is over or if it doesn't grow where you are or if it's a magical plant that was wiped out by a villain 👀

T O N Y     S.

          you have an exceptionally high IQ and an eidetic memory. you can read 20,000 words per minute. solving equations for tony and bruce takes only a few minutes to do, but you've never told them about your powers. sometimes, when tony falls asleep in the lab because of an impossible equation or a design for an upgraded suit, you sneak in and fix his work a little bit, just enough to put him on the right track.

T H O R     O.

          you can create fire in your hand, without getting burnt. you are able to use fire already around you as well. and the fire that you make is extremely hot or cool whenever you want it to be. you can shoot it at bad guys in the form of a fire ball.

P I E T R O     M.

          you can control and manipulate any body of water. whether salt or fresh, you can form water into different shapes. you can use the water to heal you or others around you. and though you're still working on it, you can kind of control the water in people to control them. you've only ever done it once.

B R U C E     B.

          you are an empath, meaning you can feel the emotions of other people and you can make people feel either happy or sad or tired and etc. this is perfect because you use it on the hulk when a mission is over.

L O K I      L.

          you can communicate with any type of animal. sometimes they would be happy to help you with things. and you have a lot of pets, some that live inside and some that stop by your house from time to time.

B U C K Y     B.

          you don't have a power that can be used to fight. instead, whenever you need something, it'll show up in your pocket. and when you don't need it anymore, it disappears. it's a really helpful power, even if you can't really use it to help save the world.

P E T E R     P.

          you are a telepath. this means that you can read other people's thoughts and you can move objects with your mind. you don't use it often, but sometimes you read the teacher's mind when you have no idea what's going on in class.

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