5 ━ kisses

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S T E V E     R.

          He grew up learning to be gentle, so he loved to press soft kisses to your hand as though you were a princess. Although he didn't mind wrapping you in his embrace and making out with you till the two of you needed to separate for air.

T O N Y     S.

          Being the playboy, genius, billionaire, philanthropist he was, Tony enjoyed teasing you and planting smooches on your neck. He made sure not to leave hickeys, though. Well, sometimes he left deep purple and red marks on your collarbone. 👀

T H O R     O.

          With his etched god physique, he towered over you, so he usually kissed you on your forehead or the top of your head.

P I E T R O      M.

          The speedster loved to run by you and kiss you nose, claiming that he loved the way it scrunched when it came in contact with his lips. And he loved to kiss you deeply on your lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth.

C L I N T      B.

          You and Clint generally did not express PDA as much as other couples might, but when you were stressed, he would press kisses to your temples and vice versa.

B R U C E      B.

          Bruce was a particularly shy man, so he would only kiss you on the cheek in front of others. But boy, did that man love kissing you.

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