2 ━ imagine ⦅ steve r. ⦆

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imagine watching a bunch of movies from the 1940s with Steve.

          You scrolled through your phone, searching for a few old movies. You found a few good ones and opened them up on Netflix on the large tv. You popped some kettlecorn and called Steve from your phone. The first time, it went straight to voicemail ("This is Steve! Uh, please leave a message...Stark how do I answer the message? Stark? Why are you laughing?").

          The second time, he answered almost immediately, his voice still a little rough from sleep.

"Steve, come to my house now. No questions, just bring some snacks or whatever."

          Roughly fifteen minutes later, he showed up with a few boxes of candy and a large bag of chips. You dragged him into the living room and explained to him that you would be watching a few old films. He smiled brightly when you finished explaining what you would do for the day.

          The first movie was Pinocchio, something that Steve enjoyed untill you ruined it by telling him about it's dark origins. The next few films passed quickly well into the afternoon. Rebecca, The Great Dictator, Waterloo Bridge, The Grapes of Wrath, and so on. The final movie was something Steve himself requested, Fantasia. It was one of the things Steve remembered watching in the cinema with Bucky.


     • you trying to slip in the movie It (2017) & Steve is super confused untill the scene introducting Pennywise and Georgie's death and he freaKES OUT.
     • meanwhile you're dyING on the side laughing at his expense.
     • sO you turn that off quickly before the language picks up.
     • imagine relaxing your head against his chest and his arm wrapping around your shoulder ever so gently.
     • or him placing his legs over your lap.
     • and you start a popcorn fight after throwing some at him for being cute.
     • untill you dump the entire tub over his head
     • you guys enjoy the movies. that is, unill y'all decide making out was more important.

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