20 ━ peter parker catch up

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i love peter parker so much. like a lot ( && spiderman homecoming was so good ) so this peter is tom's version of him.


You were transferring to Midtown after nearly destroying your last school ( by accident! ). Unlike your old school, Midtown was huge. Which meant that you were late to your homeroom period. A perfect start, you thought as you knocked on the door. A woman opened the door wide, frowning slightly.

"I'm so sorry! I got lost in the halls. My name is (y/n) (l/n), I'm a new student."

She smiled lightly, "That's alright. Perhaps you should sit next to. . .Peter! He can help you until you're comfortable here. He's the boy in the back. . .right over there."

Peter smiled and waved at you, "No problem Ms. Blake."

You glanced at the students in the class. Most of them had ignored you and were talking in their own groups. You let your backpack fall to the floor and you placed your notebook on the desk next to Peter's things.

He stuck out his hand for you to shake, "Peter Parker, at your service."

You laughed and shook his hand, "(y/n) (l/n), but I think you already knew that."


You both had common interests and agreed that Criminal Minds was the best show of all times. ( spencer reid is cute y'all )


Peter's kisses are random cuz he doesn't know what he's doing ( virgin!Peter ). For some reason though, he would constantly kiss all over your face, making you laugh.


Since you two were in high school, you didn't really get any free moments but when you had no homework, you both played at the old time arcade called Stan's Arcade. 100% y'all do your homework together, helping one another out and bouncing ideas at each other.


'you are my sunshine' ( cover ) by EVA


Even before you started dating, he called you (y/n/n). But he sometimes calls you Peaches. I don't know why, but I think Peter's the type of person to give weird little nicknames.


"(y/n/n)?" asks Peter, his brown hair blowing with the wind.

The both of you are sitting up on the roof of his building. It's a great way to hide from the world when either one of you was stressed out. Peter had texted you earlier, saying that he needed you.

"Yeah, Pete? Is something wrong?" You look away from the view of the balcony and turn to Peter.

The dark haired teen was staring out at the city down below. Inside, you were hoping he was going to open up about what may have been bothering him for the past few months and why he had been disappearing all the time. You don't want to push him, but you are worried.

"I. . .want to tell you something very important. But you gotta promised not to tell May or Ned or anyone."

You're very confused, but agree nonetheless, "Okay, yeah, but what's going on?"

"I need to tell you something important. I wanted to tell you for a while but I was scared you'd hate me. I—" He cuts himself off and stays silent.

You're very curious now, "What is it Pete? What's wrong?"

"I—I want to just tell you, but I can't."

"It's okay, you can tell me."

"I can't. I'm sorry. If I did—if did it could ruin everything."

You huff and turn to leave, but you feel something grab your waist. You first think it's Peter's hand but realized when glancing down that it is a web. A web. You are suddenly in Peter's arms and you stare at him, wide eyed. You open your mouth to say something but feel Peter's lips on your's, moving awkwardly and slowly. You close you eyes and wrap your arms around his neck, falling deep into the kiss.


Ever since you found out that Peter was Spider-man, you teased him and called him Bug-boy and My hero. But you still like calling him Pete.

hope you guys liked that catch-up. i'll do either Bucky or Loki.

Bucky (comment here for Bucky)

Loki (comment here for Loki)

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