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I shaked my hand with him he is so sweet, caring, suddenly i slapped in my mind what am I thinking about him he is my dad's friend's son and also business partner. I am in my thought suddenly my dad say something.

"Okay you both talk I'll cook something for both of you" he said and leave.

Now we both are alone in hall area. l am about to go to my room because if I am stay with him really I am fall in love with him so I am about get up but suddenly he hold my wrist.

"Where are you going?". He asked

"Room"i said

"Why? now we are friends and you leave your friend alone here huh?" He said with pout

I chuckled at his cute behavior. I sit back on couch.

" So friend tell me something about you". He said

"About me?" I asked

He hummed.

"I have nothing special about me so i tell you". I said

"You are so special princess" he said.

I gulped.

"Okay so I asked you and you tell me okay?" He asked.

I hummed.

"So you have boyfriend?" he asked.

"boyfriend! even I have no male friends i am not feel comfortable with boys. So i have no boyfriend." I said.

" You also not feel comfortable with me?" He asked.

"No no you are so sweet I don't know why I am not feel uncomfortable with you."i said without hesitation.

"Really"he asked

I hummed.

"What about marriage means which type of marriage you want to do.Love or arranged." He asked .

"Huh interesting actually I'll not think about it but i like arrange marriage. I am not saying that love marriage is not good but i like arrange marriage."i said.

"You are so interested cutie"he said.

"Hehe" i laugh

"You don't want to know about me?" He said

"If you want to tell about you then tell me".i said with a smile.

"So what you want to known about me".he asked

"Who is your best friend." I said I known so silly question but what should i asked to him so I asked this.

"Best friend?"he said

I hummed

"My best name Kim Taehyung".he said

"Kim Taehyung " I asked

"Yaah what happen you known him?" he asked with confused face.

"Is he married"? I asked

"Yes but how you know about him".he asked .

" You have any pic of him?" I asked.

"Yes" he said .

"Can you please show me?" I asked politely.

"But why first you tell how you know him?"he asked

"I tell you everything but show me his pic" i said

"Okay"he said

I see pic in his phone i am shocked.

"Princess what happen tell me please " he said with worried face.

To be continued

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