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After dinner:

"Okay kiya goodnight your room is ready now you can rest"jungkook say.

"Thank you jungkook hyung and good night good night sweety"she replied

"G-good night" yn replied with a small smile.

"Baby lets go you must be tired"she nods and walks towards his room.

Now yn is laying on bed while closing her eyes jungkook is checking some files in his laptop.

"Kookie" yn whined jungkook suddenly run towards her and hug her.

"Sorry my baby"jungkook apologized.

"Its okay now sleep i am sleepy"yn say

"No i want to do cuddles you do everything with me last i didn't stop now you can't stop me i know you're in your period but i can do cuddle"jungkook say and slide his hand inside her t shirts and start rubbing her tummy.

"Is it felling good?" He asked yn nod and she smiled and lay down on his chest and after sometime she fall asleep he chuckled and kiss her forehead and mumbles "i love you" then he also lays down yn is still on his chest.


Today is Sunday they both are chilling because kiya is out of home"Kookie when will bora and jongsoo come back i am missing them" yn ask "yes princess i am also missing our both babies but mom called me they both are paris with mom and dad they come after 2 or 3 months"He say.

Suddenly door bell ring yn get up and open the door.

"Hey sweety"kiya say yn smile and nod she come inside.

"Jungkook hyung today i am leaving"kiya say to jungkook"why so early"he asked"actually i have some important work so i have to go"she replied suddenly jungkook phone rang he picked up after sometime he cut the call.

"Baby i have to go for some important work in office."he say

"But" he cut off her "sorry my princess i promise i come early"he said and yn nod with sad face jungkook smile and kiss her forehead and cheeks and say bye to kiya and leave.

"Hm i see hyung loves you so much" kiya say yn sly smile and they both sit on couch while yn maintain a proper distance with kiya but she continuously comes near to yn kiya grab yn's wrist and pull her closer.

"W-what are you doing leave me"yn say"oh sweety let me touch you you are so sexy damn god your neck your cleavage" kiya said she trace her finger  on yn's neck and cleavage yn removing her hand but grip on yn's wrist is so tightly kiya grab her neck from behind and forcefully start kissing her yn was moving her head continuosly suddenly door bell ring kiya move her head towards door her grip is loose on yn's wrist yn run towards door yn open the door and the figure stand on door and hug him.

"Princess what happen why are you crying" jungkook hug her tightly.

"Kiya what happen why is she crying"jungkook asked to kiya "actually she see a lizard in kitchen and she run away and she hit on table so that scratch"kiya lie to jungkook.

"Baby let me see your injury"his eyes widened there so many scratches on her neck "kiya please give me first aid box" he said she nod kiya give her box and he put ointment on her scratches she still crying and sobbing and hugging jungkook tightly.

"Baby no princess don't crying see now i am here" he slowly patting her back but she didn't stop jungkook is so confused that why is she crying that much he take her in bed room and lay down bed with her.

"Princess now tell me what happen huh?" He asked to her "k-kiya--"she want to say but because of crying she didn't take properly.

"Kiya what? baby is she do something with you" he asked worriedly yn nod.

"What? What she do tell me?" He asked yn tell him everything jungkook gritted his "i will kill her"he about to get up but held his hand "stay with me don't go".

he nod and makes her lay on his chest jungkook also close his eyes after sometimes he hear yn's snores he open his eyes and see her and smile he kiss her pout and slowly get up from bed and go down he see kiya is watching tv while laying on couch.

"Kiya how you dare to touch my yn" she get up from couch "hyung calm down and yes i do because i want what you do" she say to jungkook his eyes is full red "get out i said GET OUT" he yell on kiya she go toward door and once last time she see jungkook and say.

"hyung you love her so much now see what i do and now wait and watch i snatch her from you" jungkook gritted his teeth and close the door and go towards his room he his love is sleeping he go in bathroom and take shower that time he was feeling so guilty he think that this all is his mistake he take kiya in home after taking shower he come out yn is laying in bed but now she is not sleeping jungkook come towards her and lay beside her and dig his face in her neck and kiss her on her neck.

"Sorry baby"he apologized "why are you saying sorry that's not your mistake kookie" she say sudden kiya's word come in his mind he cup her face "princess promise me that you never leave me" tears come in his eyes "you never leave me i can't imagine my life without you promise me"tears flow on his cheeks yn rub his tears and kiss hes lips "i promise i always with you i never leave you never ever" he smiled and kiss her forehead and jungkook kiss her lips she kissed him back he slowly slid his hand inside her t shirt and cupped her bosoms she moan inside his mouth he break the kiss "i love you" he say "i love you too"she replied then jungkook hug her and sleep.

(To be continued)


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