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I am so worried about her what happen to her i call her so many times see didn't reply me.

"Princess what happen are you okay".i asked.

She see me and suddenly hug me while sitting on my lap i am shocked what happen now really see hug so i also hug him tightly.she about to get up but i am leave her.

"Please for some time" i whispered in her ear.

After some time i leave her and she sit on couch.I am still worried so i asked her what happen.

"Princess now tell me what happen"i asked.

"Today i am so happy"she said while jumping on couch.

"Why? And how you know him" i asked

"You known HE.IS.MY.BEST FRIEND. HUSBAND. Today i am so happy thank you!".she said.

"You know i meet her at her wedding and then i don't know where is she now but. you known where are they both".she said with smile

"Jungkook" she said.

I froze on my place when she say my name first time with her mouth.

"Jungkook"?she called me.

"Yes" i said .

"Can you please tell me where are they both please." She said with pout

"Don't say please princess". I said

"I'll tell you where are they but?" I said

"But?"she asked.

"What my benefit in it"i said with smirk.

"I'll do anything what you say" she said

"Are you sure princess"i said with smirk

"Yes! Tell me what should I do for you"she said

"No need princess i am just joking".i said with smile.

We both laugh suddenly y/f voice come.

"Food is ready". he announced

"We are coming" she shout

We all are eating food but y/f break the silence between us.

"Princess i want to tell you something".he said.

"Yes dad" she said while eating.

"A..actually princess i don't known how to say this to you"he said.

"From your mouth" she said with laughing.

"Princess be serious"he said with strict voice.

"Sorry" .she said.

"I fix your marriage yn". He said in one breath.

Dead silence ~~

"WHAT!"but dad when? How? you have to tell me and how i marry a with a guy whom I even don't know."she said in angry tone.

"You known him princess he is your friend". He said.

"What? my friend you know this very well dad i have no male friends one min"..she said but suddenly she look at me.

"Dad yo..u".she said

"Yes princess he is that guy whom you going to marry"he said.

Jungkook pov :

My heartbeat rashed i think what next going to happen but suddenly she get up from dinning table i think she said 'no' from marriage but she go to the side of table where her father is sitting.

Suddenly she hug him i don't know what is happening here! It's so confusing it she happy from this marriage or not.

"Dad i am agree with this marriage"she said said.

I am so happy i want hug her tightly and kiss all over face but i control myself from doing anything stupid
But i am so happyyyy i can't explain it in words.

"But"she said

Suddenly she said 'but' now i am so tensed that what is going on in her little mind.

"But what princess" he said

"I have one condition". She said

"Which type of condition princess"he said

"Condition is this tell him he is not hide chocolate from me like you if he is agree with it than I agree with this marriage"she said while seeing me.

" i agree with your condition"i said

She smile while seeing me then her dad say something.

"Ok now you both spend some quality time i have some important work so i have to go office okay". He said we both say bye to him.


Now we both are alone in home i don't known how to start talk to her that's not first time when I am going to with a girl but she is so special for me.
So i decide to break the silence between us.

"Umm princess you want to watch movie?" I asked

"O..okay".she said

So i start the TV and we both start watching TV after some in movie come some mature scene we both suddenly look at each other and i want to take remote but at the same time she is also going to take remote our hands touch.



Ig : Kooya fanfiction

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