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6 years later:

"Heyy little stop please i am tired now i can't play more" jungkook say to his little boy who want to play with him but he was tired "mamma see dada is not playing with me" jungwoo say "no i am playing baby" jungkook show him big eyes but yn see it "don't show your evil eyes to my cute son".

"Ok i can't win with you guys" jungkook say while laying on carpet " jungwoo go and do your homework" yn say he nod and run towards his room and jungkook grab her hand and lay her down on carpet and hug her "did you call Bora and jongsoo" jungkook ask she nod "Bora is in her friends party and jongsoo is also travel safely to his school trip" he nod.

"Baby don't you think time is travelling so fast" she see him " why you are thinking it".

" See it's been many years for our marriage and our children become all big and it still like that we are still dating each other" she smile and nod " huh you are right but one everyone have to leave this world" after hearing her word his heart ache tears dripped from his eyes on her neck she look him "what happen why are you crying" he didn't answer only hug her tightly "don't leave me ever" she smile and break the hug and wipe his tears " I'll never leave you not in this life and not in any life" he smile and kiss forehead " i love you so much".

"I love you toooooo" she say and then they share a kiss.

At night:

Yn and jungkook was laying on bed but suddenly there room door open and it was their small cute baby "mamma i want to sleep with you" jungkook eyes widened "no" they both look at jungkook " i mean Jungwoo you are man and man sleep alone" he say " then why are you sleeping with mumma aren't you man" he say yn laugh inside her mouth" because she is my wife " jungkook say " then i also want wife".

" What" they both say at same time " kookie let him sleep here come baby" yn say jungwoo come but jungkook lay down in between " i am sleep in between" jungkook say " no me" jungwoo say " me".

" Stop it i sleep in between now" yn slide jungkook another side and lay down and also make lay him down jungwoo lay down after sometime jungwoo sleep but jungkook still awake he see jungwoo was sleeping he slowly slide his hand inside yn's t shirt put his hand on her boobs yn see him give him disbelief look and they both sleep while hugging.

In morning:

"Mamma hug me" jungwoo was yelling but jungkook and yn are sleeping while hugging and jungkook one hand still inside her t shirt.

" Mamma" he again yell but they didn't wake up then jungwoo go in living area and sat on couch.

After sometime yn and jungkook get up jungkook see her and smile and kiss her she kiss him back but she push him because she think that jungwoo see them.

" Where is jungwoo?" Yn say they both get up fastly " where he gone" yn ask " i think to find his wife" yn give him angry look "sorry" then they both go down stairs and see jungwoo was sitting on couch while watching TV.

" Jungwoo what are you doing here" yn ask " you both are sleeping  together while hugging and left me behind so i come here" he say with pout jungkook scratch his neck " sorry baby now let's take bath today's your first in school let's go" jungwoo go for bath yes this is first of his school because before he was in play school jungkook hug her from behind" thank you" he say " why".

" For coming in my life and make it that much happy i love you so much" he say " i love you too".


(The end)

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