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Next morning:

You both sleep peacefully in each other embrace but suddenly he fell something wet on his chest so he open his eyes and his eyes firstly goes on you who is sleeping on his chest while sucking his nipple he chuckled.

He kiss your forehead.

Jungkook- princess

No response.

Jungkook- princess wake up

He called you many times but you didn't wake up so he decided to capture this moment in camera so he take his phone from night stand and create your video while you sucking his nipple.

But suddenly you bite his nipple so hard.

Jungkook- Aaaaahh princess please leave

Yn- mhhh mik(in sleeping)

Jungkook- princess i have no milk please leave

After sometime you leave his nipple.

Yn- kooku (i sleeping voice)

Jungkook- princess

Slowly you open your eyes and see him.

Yn- good morning

Jungkook- good morning my princess (while kiss your lips)

And next moment your eyes goes on his chest which is red.

Yn- kooku i think mosquito bite on your chest it's red

He chuckled

Jungkook- yes princess a very cuteeee mosquito bite

Yn- how you know the mosquito is cute you see his face?

Jungkook- yes even i marry with her

Yn- marry? one sec you marry with me you mean i bite it? i am not a child and specially here on your ni..pp.le.
You have any prove that i bite it hmm?

Jungkook- hmm so my princess want prove?

Yn- yes

Jungkook- okay so see it

Jungkook saw the video to you.

Jungkook- now tell me who did this hmm?

You hide your face under the blanket.

Jungkook- don't hide your face from me princess

Yn- sorry

Jungkook- no princess why you say sorry you have right on me but now the time of my right.

Jungkook- now it's my turn

Yn- noooooo!!

Jungkook- yes

And he start sucking your nipple and his other hand grab your other b**b
After sometime he completed from his business.

Yn- ahh koo..ko..ahh.

Jungkook- sweet! Now get up let's take bath together hmm

You nodded.

After taking bath you both going at dinning table eat breakfast.

Yn- kooku today you are not going office.

Jungkook- no

Yn- why?

Jungkook- because I want to spend time with my princess.

He pull you toward him and you sit on his lap and he start kissing you your lips your law line your cheeks and at last leave marks on your neck he suck your sweet spot you moan a little he smile but someone interrupt between it door bell ring jungkook grown in frustration but didn't get up for open the door he again start kissing you.

Yn- ko..oku d.oo..r.

Jungkook- ignore it

Yn- kookuuuu stop

Jungkook- aaaa! who's that fucker(he speak under breath)

Yn- go!

Jungkook- yaa!

He get up and take last peck and go to open the door.

??- jungkook why you take so much time to open the door.


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