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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟒𝟎𝐬, Steve Rogers met a woman named Alice. They weren't in love since his heart was taken by another woman named Peggy Carter but he did find joy in being with Alice.

Before going off to fight the Red Skull, the woman he was with found out she was pregnant. Alice told him straight away, him promising he'd return to raise this child. She had hoped the two could've brought the baby up together but Captain America went into the ice.

When Adella was born, the year was 1946. She grew up being known as the heroes' daughter. She also grew up as the first born Super Soldier. Word got around, especially to the Hydra groups that had been formed. Alice did whatever she could to protect her daughter, causing her to sacrifice herself in doing so.

At the age of twenty-nine, Hydra soldiers had finally caught her. Adella was tortured for years, endless tests being done on her and used her as a secret fighter for entertainment. They injected stuff inside of her to see if anything promising came out of it. The only thing that worked was that although she aged in numbers, it didn't look like it. She was stuck in her nearly thirty body.

In 2009, S.H.I.E.L.D had heard whispers that there was still a Hydra group out there... turns out there was a lot more then they let on. A man named Clint Barton - an agent at S.H.I.E.L.D - came across Adella Rogers, immediately knowing who she was when he saw her passed out in a glass containment room. Clint helped her escape the maddened place.

For the time being, she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. A man named Nick Fury took an interest to her, he knew there was a spark in Adella that would help save the world one day. Man he was right.

When Captain America awoke from being in the ice for seventy years, the first thing he thought of, besides Peggy, was the child he was told he was having. Steve asked Nick Fury if he knew anything about it, only getting a smirk off of the man in return before Fury united the two.

Adella was offered the opportunity to be apart of the Avengers initiative, but she declined, still helping out from time to time though. Also her dad thought it would be too dangerous, not wanting to loose anymore time with her.

One day, Adella was helping her dad, Sam and Natasha with a mission and The Winter Soldier appeared, someone she had heard faintly of when she was captured by Hydra. Turns out it was Steve's best friend that was supposed to be dead. When Adella was fighting off The Winter Soldier, she searched into his eyes, as if there was a hint of sorrow there. It was a power she could do, if she sensed her energy to someone's eyesight, then she could feel what they feel... Hydra gave it to her by mistake while implanting tests inside of her.

After the man had disappeared, Sam and Adella would search for him. Whenever people would ask they'd say 'it's a missing person's case' so word wouldn't get around about The Winter Soldier.

Although she had to abandon the search to help the Avengers with Ultron, immediately after she continued looking for James Buchanan Barnes with Sam again.

When Bucky Barnes was found and went back to his normal self, him and the Rogers' woman instantly gained a strong connection. Sam was the first to know that Adella had a crush on the man with the metal arm of course, he's Adella's best friend.

Although after the Sokovia Accords when her, her dad and Nat went on the run, Bucky was in Wakanda. King T'Challa's little sister, Shuri, was helping him so he could no longer turn into The Winter Solider by use of Russian trigger words. Adella would spend most of her time there, being with him. Steve didn't mind, knowing she was safe there and T'challa loved and trusted Adella as if they were siblings themselves.

Adella was already an avenger after helping out with Ultron but she felt like she became a true one when she fought side by side with her dad during the battle with Thanos.

It broke the woman's heart when she saw Bucky turn to dust. His last words were her name.

Five years later, the remaining avengers found a solution: time travel. Clint, Natasha and Addie went to Vormir... where she had to see one of her best friends sacrifice herself, just like her mother did when she was young.

Captain America was her dad. 'Was.'
After he time traveled back to return the infinity stones, he left his daughter behind until he came back, old and wrinkled, already lived a life without her. Soon dying from old age.

Adella Rogers no longer wanted to be apart of the avengers, not wanting to be the superhero everyone thought she was destined to be. So she went into hiding.

Whenever she'd be walking outside on the paths to where she lived, people would spot her and try to follow the girl as if they were big fans of her. Reporters would shove microphones in Adella's face asking why she no longer avenged the world.

Then it all stopped.

Adella wasn't found for years, she was gone for good. Hidden in plain sight. Hair gone from blonde to nearly black. A hood hung over her head everywhere she went that was outside her little apartment. The citizens assumed that Adella Rogers had died but Sam Wilson (The Falcon) didn't. Getting private investigators to search for her day by day. Yet Adella didn't want to be found. And she made sure no one could find her again.

Then the day came that she had to reappear.

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re-did the prologue, bit better and more explained this time
hope you enjoyed this 992 word chapter

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 , Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now