🌧Why would you say that🌧

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Third Reich x The Soviet Union
Reich being a shit parent
Characters: The Soviet Union, Third Reich, babby Russia


Soviets pov

I stood there in the middle of the hallway holding my 3 kids in the giant building that held the meeting I was just in. The meeting was between me, JE, FI, Reich, our leaders, and a tone of other important people.

My kids Russia, East and West Germany had to come along because their was no one at home to take care of them. In the middle of the meeting Russia started to get tired and climbed onto my lap. West saw this and tried to get on Reich's lap but he just pushed him away.

Russia gave up his set on my lap but West said that they both can sit there. East joined them and I had to go through the rest of the meeting with 3 sleeping kids on my lap. The entire time Reich was giving me dirty looks.

So after the meeting Reich had to start a argument. He didn't just call me a embarrassment, he called me and our kids a embarrassment.

He said all this nasty shit to not just me but to our kids. I would be fine if he only said it about me but our kids. That stuff shouldn't be said about 7 year old kid and two 4 year olds. I didn't want to cry for myself I wanted to cry for my kids.

Why would their own parent say that about them. The person that should love them said that they where a embarrassment, a failure, a mistake, a disappointment.

Not even one of those sentences should have came out of his mouth and I didn't do anything about it. I just kept quiet because I didn't want to piss Reich off because who knows what he would do.

He already pointed a gun at me, burned half of my face, choked me, threatened me with various words and weapons. So I stayed silent not a word coming out of my mouth until Reich would stop. This all happened because our kids where tired.

So I stood there in the hallway, grateful to not hear Reich calling us worthless. That's really what we where to him, worthless pieces of shit.

I then heard sniffing coming from my arms so I looked down and saw my 7 year old looking up at me crying. "W-was what мать said true?" how bad I wanted to cry right then and there. "No Russia he didn't mean any of that." Russia started to cry more and buried his face into my chest.

"Why, why did мать say that папа?" I just held onto Russia tighter. "I don't know Russia, I don't know." I just wanted to cry. My 7 year old son heard everything that Reich said about us. If that hurt a lot for me I could only imagine how bad it hurt for Russia.

I wanted to cry but I can't. I can't cry in a building that has so many important people in it. If my leader or any other leader saw me crying then they would see me as weak.

So I stood there in the hallway of a building I just had a meeting in holding a crying 7 year old. How bad it hurt just hearing his cries about the things he heard his мать said about us.

And the fact I did nothing to stop his words.


I don't remember it being that sad but I guess it was. I think I was in a angsty mood when I made all of these.

I hope that you liked this oneshot and I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

Word count 649

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