🔵☁You don't hate it?☁🔵

783 9 2

Boy x boy
FtoM Soviet
Third Reich x Soviet Union
Top Soviet
Bottom Reich


Soviet's pov

I could feel how awkward it is as me and Reich walked through the forest. Me and Reich were far enough any from the base so we didn't have to run anymore but walking for hours on end is still very tiering.

I don't even know what I'm doing. I should be handing Reich over to UK, France, and America so they could do whatever the fuck they were planing to do with Reich but here I was instead walking in the middle of nowhere keeping a shit person safe. I wouldn't be surprised if Reich hated me more just from when he saw me in the bunker after however long it's been.

I mean you could say that I looked a bit different. Probably not a bit different, maybe very different fits better. I don't think Reich likes the change in my appearance which makes sense because some people don't like it at all.

Instead of being a woman I am now a man and I don't think Reich likes that very much. He hasn't said anything to me. I mean none of us has said anything this entire time besides the small sentences we would say to each other to give basic information and that was only in the bunker. The entire time we ran and walked in the forest we haven't said a single word to each other. I couldn't figure out if it was because of how awkward it is or the change in gender. I'm hoping it's not the last possibility.

I could tell that Reich was getting tired just by the way he was walking. I mean it makes sense because of the boots he is wearing. Their not the most practical things to wear when you're walking in a forest. "Do you want to sit somewhere?" Reich nodded his head and we stopped. I started to look around and I saw a fallen log on the ground. I walked over to it and sat down on one end of the log letting out a sigh of relief.

Reich then sat down on the other side of the log looking the other direction. I sifted a little and I looked at the leafless trees. It's turning spring so it wasn't snowing at least for right now but it's still cold. I knew Reich was cold because he was never good with icy temperatures. I could see right through Reich that he was trying to hide how cold he was.

I glanced at Reich and I can see him slightly shaking every once in awhile. "Reich, are you cold?" he didn't respond to me instead he hugged his knees against his chest and sat his head on top of them.

I didn't really know what to feel. Should I feel sad, angry, annoyed, happy or something else. Reich is cold and I don't feel like dealing with him having hypothermia. My efforts will just go to waste if he did.

I took off my brown trenchcoat and placed it on Reich's shoulders. I turned back around to looked back at the trees until I could feel Reich's stare burn into me. "Why did you do that?" I turned around to look at Reich. "Because you're co-" Reich shook his head and cut me off before I could finish. "No, I meant with the gender thing." my shoulders dropped and I looked away setting my cheek onto my hand. "Look I know you hate it-" "why would you think I hate it?" Reich said cutting me off again and just by what he said I looked back at him. "Reich I've known you for years I know how you are." Reich's face then became one of confusion.

"Did I really give you that impression of me?" a frown formed onto Reich's face and his eyes trailed down to the forest floor. I didn't really know what to say so I just turned around again. The atmosphere around us got tense and even more awkward then before. I really really want to get out of this now.

I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me and something go on my shoulder. I looked over to see Reich resting his head on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around me. "I don't understand why people over react about it. You're still the same Soviet I knew years ago." Reich said as he came closer to me. "Hug me, I'm cold." I did what Reich asked me to do and I wrapped my arms around his waist and I could feel him bury his face into my chest.

"Are you tired?" Reich nodded his head and hugged me tighter. "we have to keep walking Reich." he groaned and slowly got up from the log and I followed. I then started to walk the direction we were going before our little brake and Reich followed.

We walked for about a hour before we got to a clearing in the forest. There sat a Soviet helicopter and two soldiers in the clearing. Reich started to slow down and I looked at him. "What's wrong?" he just kept staring at the helicopter and soldiers. "Reich their not going to hurt you." I placed a hand on Reich's shoulder and he looked up at me. "Where are we going?" "well we're going to land around 2 miles away from my house and one of those soldiers will drive us the rest of the way so we don't have to walk." I gave Reich a reassuring smile and he started to slowly walk again towards the helicopter and soldiers.

It's been around 10 minutes and Reich is in the helicopter while it was being checked to see if it was safe and now we are ready to finally leave.

I wasn't keeping track of how long we were in the air until we landed. I looked over at the sleeping German that is leaning against me and I carefully picked him up. I got out of the helicopter and opened the car door putting Reich inside before I walked around the car and got into the car next to him.

After around 5 minutes I could hear the helicopter take off again and then one out of the two soldiers that were here got into the divers set and started the car then we drove off. Probably around 5 minutes later we finally got to my house.

I got out of the car and walked around to get Reich. I took him out of the car and looked up at the sky. It's night time now and the bright stars littered the sky with there beauty. I smiled to myself and I started to walk over to the front door and when I got there the car drove off.

I took the house key out of my pocket and pushed it into the lock and twisted it. When I knew it was unlocked I opened it to be greeted with a silent and dark house. It was late so I didn't expect for any of the kids to be awake.

I locked the door behind me and started to make my way to my room and when I got there I sat Reich onto the bed and covered him with the blanket. I closed my door and turned on the bedside table light and sat on the bed next to Reich. I put my hand on his hair and softly stroked it. I felt a smile make it's why on to my face.

I saw as a small smile made it's why onto Reich's face. Maybe saving this psychopath won't be such a bad idea after all.


Do I think the ending is a bit lazy? Yes, but do I also think it's cute? Yes in fact I do. Also I'm sorry this came out so late I couldn't get an idea but I think this is good for the amount of writers block I had for this.

Well I hope that you like this oneshot and I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

Words 1,381

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