🌧️☁️🟠💔Living for you💔🟠☁️🌧️

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Attempted suicide
Fem Finland x Fem Estonia

I was going to publish this along with other requests but I had this finished and I haven't even started on the other one's. I really need to start on them. Anyways I hope you enjoy this oneshot

Finland's POV

You know those times where you feel like giving up on life all together. Where you want whatever feelings you are feeling to just go away. Then you try everything that you could think of just to feel okay again. Some people end up resorting to death because there are no ideas left.

That is where I am.

I sat in the corner of my room pressing a knife to my throat. I felt the cold metal of the blade on my neck. I was ready to drag it across my white skin at any time.

I didn't know what to do anymore. I just felt so hopeless at this point. I didn't want to feel that or even fathom that but I did.

I pressed the knife more on my skin and I could really feel how sharp the blade is. I didn't even shed a tear from what I was doing, I just stared at the ground. It's not like anyone would stop me anyways

There was nothing wrong with my country, in fact, I was really proud of it. It was just my thoughts and feelings that got me like this. I didn't even remember how I got to this point in my life anyways. I don't think I even deserve to know how anyways.

I took a deep breath in and out and I was about to slid to blade against my throat when my phone started to ring. I looked over and saw that Estonia was calling me. I stared at my phone for a few seconds, wondering if I should pick it up or not. Eventually I took the knife away from my throat and set it on the floor beside me. I then took the phone in my hands and accepted the call.

"Hello Finny I just wanted to call you and tell you I'm one house away from yours." I raised a eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?" I stood up and looked out the window to see Estonia is all her glory. "Don't you remember that you asked me to come over yesterday?" I then started to remember when I asked her to come here. I totally forgot I asked her to.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, sorry." I heard as Estonia laughed a bit on the other line. "It's okay Finny people forget things all the time." I slightly smiled to myself. "Alright I'm here so I'm gonna hang up now." "alright, I love you." "love you to" I heard Estonia say before hanging up. A little bit afterwards I heard the doorbell go off.

Me and Estonia have been dating for almost 2 years now. I still wonder how I even got her to be my girlfriend. I mean she was the one to ask me but that's besides the point. What did I do to get her to fall for me? I didn't know and I think it's best to have that remain a secret.

I quickly made my way down stairs and to the door so I didn't let Estonia wait for any longer. I opened the door and Estonia smiled at me when she saw me. I smiled back at her and I looked at what she was wearing.

Estonia had on one of those hoodies that didn't cover the chest area but walking around with your boobs hanging out isn't very appropriate so she had on a black top underneath. She also had on some baggy black jeans and the stitching was white and it had a shit ton of pockets, something you don't see often on woman's wear. Then she had some white boots with it. Then her short and wavey jet black hair, she dyed it black not that long ago.

"You could take a picture, I'm sure it would last longer." my face went red and I looked away. "Just come inside." I said stepping out of the way and Estonia laughed a little, walking inside the house.

I closed the door behind her and I watched as she took her shoes off. "So umm what do you wanna do?" Estonia stood up straight and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." she started to walk deeper into the house and I followed her.

We walked into the living room and Estonia plopped herself on the couch. She sighed and patted the space next to her. I sat down and Estonia started to look around and then her eyes landed on the TV. "You wanna watch a movie?" Estonia turned her attention over to me. I hummed and Estonia grabbed the TV remote and turned it on.

After a while of shuffling through the movies we finally found a movie that seemed interesting. Sure it looked like a cheesy romance movie but if I was watching it with my girlfriend then it would make it 10x better.

"This looks and sounds so stupid." Estonia looked over at me. "We haven't even watched it yet." "I know but I read the description." I looked over at the TV and skimmed over the description and Estonia was right, it did sound stupid.

"Your not wrong." a few little laughs came out of me. "See I told you it's stupid." I playfully rolled my eyes. Estonia grabbed a blanket and put it over the both of us. She grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to her. My face went red again and I looked up at her, glaring. She just rolled her eyes at me and started the movie. I sighed and started to watch the movie with her.

Soon enough the movie was over and I was leaning against Estonia with my head on her shoulder. I felt comfortable and relaxed but most importantly happy. She always made me happy even when I was sad. That's sometimes I love and adored about her.

"You make me happy Estonia, more then you could ever really know." I felt as her hold got slightly tighter. "That's good, I enjoy making my girlfriend happy." she kissed the top of my head and I felt as my face heated up a bit. "You really do save my life time and time again." I quietly said and dug my head into her chest. "What was that?" I didn't look up when she questioned me. "I love you." I pulled the blankets up a bit more and closed my eyes. "I love you to."

I felt as my body started to shut down and go into sleep mode after she said that. I really did love her so much and I wouldn't want her to be sad. If I really don't want to be here anymore I still can't go because Estonia want's me here.

I would never want to take something she loves away from her.

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