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Top Russia x Bottom America

I decided to fight my sickness for RusAme :3


Russia really wasn't excited to go back home. He was pissed and had a headache from the things that transpired that day. All he wanted to do was go to a bar and drink as much alcohol as he could before either getting kicked out or being at risk of alcohol poisoning.

If he did that though the very annoying American at home would be all over him. If he had to deal with even more of his bullshit Russia maybe just explode and there would have been no point for the alcohol.

Maybe once he got home he would take a nice hot bath, alone. Just himself without UN yelling his ear off or America being the annoying asshole he usually was.

America was the reason why he even got in trouble. Today America just took the arguing a bit too far.

Russia may or may not have punched him across the face from what he said.

In that moment it felt like the right thing to do but after the Russian thought more about it he started to regret it. He wasn't going to admit that he did though. America shouldn't have brought that stuff up. He shouldn't have brought something so personal to the Russian into the argument.

Russia wanted to believe that America was being just as bad as him or maybe even worse.

He couldn't have been the only one in the wrong. However UN treated it like he was the only one in the wrong. Stupid guy decided to yell his ear off for hours making him have to stay back longer.

Russia was supposed to get off of work around 5 but now it was 7 almost 8. That being America's fault. Usually Russia never really had these types of rude and negative thoughts about the American. Truth be told they were dating but acted like they hated each other just to make sure nobody ever expected they were.

Russia was the one that didn't want anyone to find out. He just thought that it would be embarrassing for people to know he was dating America. Though he wouldn't say that to America directly.

Soon enough Russia pulled up into the driveway and got out of his car. The very familiar black truck also being in the driveway. A part of him really wished it wasn't there.

He went up to the door and jammed his key into the lock. Twisting it until he heard a click and walked inside of the house. He didn't bother taking his shoes off and just threw everything he had onto the floor.

Russia looked over at the living room and saw America sitting on the couch. He held an ice pack right up to his eye, maybe to calm the bruise Russia caused.

"Welcome home." America said without looking away from the tv. Russia just huffed in annoyance and went over to the kitchen. There sat some Chinese takeout containers so Russia grabbed a plate and started putting whatever looked good onto it before popping it into the microwave.

He leaned again the counter as he stared at the count down. It was quiet besides the noise of the microwave and the tv in the next room.

Once the microwave made a beeping sound Russia took the plate out and grabbed a fork. He made his way over to the couch and plopped down on the opposite side America was on.

He didn't even spare a glance at the other as he started to eat his Chinese food while watching whatever was playing on the screen in front of him.

It was quiet for a few seconds before America's voice rang through the room. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier." America quietly said genuinely sounding sorry. "Shut up. I don't care about your half ass apology." Russia then shoved a piece of chicken into his mouth. He wasn't just going to accept America's sorry. He wanted to show America how pissed he really made him even if he was going to be a bitch while doing it.

"At least I'm saying sorry and I actually mean it." America looked over at the Russian. He knew he shouldn't have said what he said but Russia didn't have the right to just be rude to him. "Maybe you should have actually watched what you're saying." America glared hard Russia. "And maybe you should watch where you're throwing your fists." He then leaned back against the cushion. "You don't just fucking hit people." America then looked away from Russia.

America truly was hurt by what Russia did. At least America acknowledged he did something wrong unlike his boyfriend. America was always the one to apologize first only because Russia never did unless the American did first. If we wanted to look at half ass apologies then why don't we look at some of the apologies Russia has given to America.

"Especially if you supposedly love someone. You can't just hit them if you're mad." America then went quiet and it stayed like that for a few more minutes.

Russia finished his food and sat the plate down on the coffee table in front of him. He glanced over at America and it was obvious that he was sad. Russia knew he was right, you can't just hit people. There probably was a better way Russia could have went at the situation.

Russia let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around America's waist before dragging him closer. The American quickly looked at him and gave him the nastiest glare he could muster.

"Let go of me!" America demanded trying to get the other off of him. His attempts proved to be pointless when Russia was not letting go at all. Instead the Russian was starting to get more comfortable on the couch.

After a bit America just decided to give in and get comfortable with the other. America placed his head onto the others chest as Russia gently traced small patterns onto the American's hips.

The both of them laid there in each other's arms silently. The tension that was previously there between them slowly going away.

"I'm sorry I really am. I didn't mean what I said-" America dug his face into the Russian's chest a bit more as he spoke. "I know you didn't mean it." Russia replied in a soft voice. To America he no longer seemed mad or at least to mad.

America looked back at the tv. He was half expecting for Russia to apologize for jacking his face up but he never did. He just cuddled him silently.

Was this his way of apologizing to him? Was this even better than getting an actual verbal apology? Maybe he could actually show America some sympathy.

Whatever at least Russia stopped being a jerk to him.

"You know I love you right?" Russia asked and America could feel as his face started to get hot. He always got so flustered when Russia would say he loves him. "Yeah. I love you to." America knew Russia had some form of a smile on his face even if he didn't look up to see the other's face. Russia just brought him closer and gently kissed his forehead.

At least Russia gave him cuddles, America liked cuddles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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