🌧Russo-Ukrainian War (Russia loses)🌧

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A little a/n before I start this is my AU and there is no way this would happen in real life. So there is no way this is or will become accurate to irl. Only reason why this exist is because Alaska (49th state of America) is Russia's kid. Then he would have been the next in line to be the representation of Russia and blah blah blah. There's to much to explain and this is already to long. Anyways I hope you enjoy this oneshot.


Alaska's pov
August 9, 2050

My name is Alaska, once the 49th state of America and now the new representation of the country that was once known as the Russian Federation. I am the son of the Russian Federation and the next in line to be the representation of the biggest country on earth.

The only thing that really made me keep going was the fact that he was alive. The fact that one day I could see my папа again after a very very long time. Now he's dead, he's gone and I had to be a representation right after. I couldn't even try to look for him when he was alive. America wouldn't let me leave the borders of the country and when I did to get to my state or Hawaiis state then he would keep a close eye on me.

I was trapped in a place I didn't even want to be in.

Now I wasn't trapped in that country anymore. Instead I was in my own capital. The capital that once was my папа's and grandfather's is now mine. I wanted to be here with my папа but he isn't here anymore.

He lost the Russo-Ukrainian War because America decided to join after being told not to. Nobody else did because everyone was just done with it. It was being dragged on for way to long and after 20 years it finally ended because America took my father's country, hunted him down and murdered him in cold blood in 2042.

I then became the representation of a broken country. One that was still destroyed from war and the people that were hurt from it. Ukraine was back together in a few years after the war. I'm happy that his country is doing a lot better, he's my uncle after all. Ukraine got supplies and money from the NATO countries which helped him in a fast recovery. Afterwards he officially became a NATO country.

While my country was here in a deep economic crisis. Most of the once beautiful cities were still in ruins as my people tried to at least live a somewhat good life with what there was. With the little money the country had we tried to slowly build things back to what it was. I needed to fix this but I had no idea how to. Nobody thought that I would become a country this early on so nobody taught me how to.

It's not like anybody will teach me now.

Nobody really liked me at all other then aunt Bela and uncle Germany. I was the son of the Russian Federation and the grandson of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Because of this and what they have done I was considered a monster to everyone. They thought that I wasn't going to give change to this country because none of them did. I had to fix it myself with no one's help so I have to show them I am better no matter how hard that will be.

"I promise, I will make it better папа." I said giving the grave one last hug before getting up and walking out of the family graveyard. I walked down the unkept sidewalks and giving people small smiles and waves. Being kind to people brightens people's day especially in these times.

The buildings looked ruined and rundown and the roads looked very unkepted a long with the sidewalks. Everything was mostly destroyed from the effects of war. When America came to Russia they weren't going to go easy and by the state of everything he was not joking.

I promised to make everything better. To get this country out of the horrible economic crisis we were in. I needed to fix this to give my people what they deserve. I will fix everything that has happened and give their country a brighter future and to not continue the dark past it had.

I will fix all of it and show everyone that I'm not like my family. I will give my people and land what they deserve.

I will make папа proud of what I and what the country has become, I know I will.


I made this a long time ago and I don't know why I haven't put it here yet. I need to upload on this oneshot book more often. I need to find some motivation to make oneshots more and something other than ThirdUnion because I have to much on here. I think I just like the ship to much.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

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