🌧🔵My Reich🔵🌧

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Boy x boy
Third Reich x Soviet Union


Okay so a little a/n before I start. This oneshot is inspired I guess by yaLikeTrains book called Stalker. If you can handle crazy stalker Soviet then go read it. If you don't that's fine to because I totally didn't spoil the newest chapter aka chapter 31. This oneshot also has a theory of why Soviet acts like this so just saying. Anyways I will let you read this oneshot now.

Soviet's POV

Папа always said that I would find someone that I would love with my entire being. I never knew what he ment by that and when I asked him what he ment he would say I would know when the time comes. I was very little when he told me that.

But now I knew exactly what he ment.

I felt as my face became hot and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. As he stepped out of that car I somehow felt happier and overall just felt good.

I watched as he walked into the office building. When he was out of my sight I wanted to fallow him just to feel that again. I didn't even know the guys name or who he was but that made me want to find out now.

I wonder what he sounded like, or what his name is, his favorite color, his favorite food, I wanted to know everything about him. I wanted to feel close to him no matter what I did. So I followed him everywhere he went.

I found out his name and just knowing his name made me what him more. His name is Reich, my Reich and only mine. I slowly found out who his friends were, his family, address, birthday, his favorite color, food, clothing style, even down to the size shoes he wears or his favorite type of chocolate. I knew every little thing about him and every time I got new information about him I just wanted him with me more. He probably didn't know I exist but I knew I would find a way to get him to know I was here.

I didn't know what was happening to me or what these thoughts and urges were. It all felt right to me though and this feeling was what папа described to me.

He told me a lot of stories about him and мама. How he felt all giddy and happy when he was around her. That he would do anything for her even if it cost his life. Папа loved her but for some reason she left when I was little. That's why when I finally had Reich to myself, he finally knew I existed, and that I finally had him in my house, I will never let him leave me.

I wanted to show my love for him every way possible. He looked freaked out though when I told him how I got all of this stuff for him. I thought it was normal to break into the house of someone you have these feelings for. Папа did it and he said it was normal so why isn't it normal for me?

It hurt so much when I had to leave him in bed all day when I had to go to work but it has to be done. I couldn't run the chance of him leaving me. I couldn't have came this far for him to leave me just like what мама did to папа.

I watched as tears rolled down his face. That made leaving him here even harder to do but this had to be done. He didn't take the pills I gave him to make this better for him but Reich is very stubborn and this had to be done the hard way.

I didn't want to make my Reichy cry but I have to do something so he would never leave my side.

I started to run my fingers through Reich's soft hair. My heart started to beat faster and my stomach started to do flips. I loved Reich's hair and how it felt on my hands. This action just made me want Reich even more if I didn't want him enough already.

I knew I really had to go now so after I did one last stroke of his hair I got up and grabbed some pills and water and placed them on the nightstand. I walked out of the room closing and locking the door behind me.

I couldn't have Reich leave me that's why I have to make such drastic measures. I couldn't have what папа had happen to him happen to me.

I love Reich and I won't let him leave me. I will never ever let my love leave me.


Yes, I do think that Soviet's father (Russian Empire) is also this crazy. I think it would made sense to some things for me like the example I put here. Why Soviet thought it was normal to break into peoples houses. This brings to life the father like son thing. Do I also think that maybe Russia would acted like that? Yes, I in fact do but I won't get into that now.

Well I hope that you like this oneshot and I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.

Words 911

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