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I want to go home for fucks sake...

My grandfather greeted me with a side hug once I hopped off the bus and into my new home. The first inhale taken was strongly minty and nature-y, it nearly made me choke. It felt like years since I touched this side of the country and it felt weirdly light here, as if the gravity was weak or I lost about ten pounds on my three hour train and bus journey. The first thoughts I had was, why didn't I feel excited for a new start? Do I look unapproachable? Should I tell grandpa I hate my navy duvet covers?

Once I was told that I was going to finish the high school experience while living with my grandpa, I laughed in my parents' faces, they got annoyed that I was taking it as a joke. That was until I was informed that there was an additional grade added to the school curriculum in Pelican. At first, I thought it was a lie, that my parents trying to convince me that I wasn't restarting the year.

For the first couple of days I remained in the farm with my grandpa, he taught me how to plant crops without "stressing" them and take care of the animals. It was great being outside since it's hot and my new room is nothing but a bed, folded clothes and junk on the floor. I told myself I was going to clean and organise everything tomorrow... I told myself that three days in a row.

"What's wrong, dear?" my grandpa's voice was always so coarse and gravelly. Sometimes it makes me feel like he's grumbling insults at me, I tend to make that mistake a lot when he was a sweetheart.

I washed my dirty covered hands under the tap, staring at the brown and grey stains that were disappearing. I dismissed the question with another question, it wasn't like I was avoiding it, answering wasn't holding up any information out of me, "Do you think I'll like it here?"

"If y'ain't like those texting-texting phone kids, you'll be fine."

I understand yet I didn't. For the first two days I hated how awful the service was, it nearly made me go crazy since I had to be right next to the internet box to send a text. I can't believe I adapted so quickly. 

I finally cleaned my room that day, changing the bedsheets (thank god!) and made my room a little less empty. My desk was a birch toned wood and I had many books just stacked on top of each other. My small wardrobe was filled to the brim, I guess I thought I was going to party my ass off in this town. My floor was brand new compared to the ground floor, it was an extension my grandfather made a year ago for guests, it had a guest room and a bathroom.

"Can we go clothes shopping?" my head peeked out my bedroom door, staring at the stairway.

I felt a wave of shame realising I called out to my grandpa. Maybe I was thinking so low of him but it meant that the old man had to yell back. I went down the stairs fast, stopping him from getting up his rocking chair. I was assuming he was going to go up the stairs to speak to me about it, luckily I did stop him.

He looks at me and chuckles, "Kids always need something, oh goodness."

I smiled at his silly insult, "I mean, if you want me to walk around like a prude. I don't mind—"

"The closest thing to a mall is five miles away. I love the modesty but, I don't have a car..."

"Oh, alright then," I turned on my heel so smoothly and sent a convincing upset tone.

I was at mid-way up the stairs when I heard him speak, it wasn't like I was shocked— grandpa loves to spoil me, "we'll go, we'll go. Tomorrow morning, you better be awake."

I didn't sleep that night, I needed to be awake for this.

It was adorable how friendly my grandpa is, his friendship with Mayor Lewis (who I've met a few times) was almost brotherly-like. Mayor Lewis offered us a ride to the mall and grandpa agreed without shame, the car ride had conversation here and there but there was only conversation Lewis made that alerted my attention.

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