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can we speak today
haley ain't walking w us today idk why

That text grew dread in my -already dressed and ready for school- self. My body froze at the text and that familiar feeling swarms into my stomach, twirling my intestines and knotting them up once again. It's like I cannot avoid this fear. My body reacted like this every time this happens. Haley's house was an incident that should've been sucked up from the start, however, this was more intense. Alex's text terrified me in a way I can't heal from. I felt like running away was the best option, then maybe, I wouldn't have to deal with this again. Alone. Why the fuck does he need to talk to me alone? Well, I knew the reason but still—I wasn't ready to deal with this right now. It's easy said then done to turn someone down. But, this is Alex. The guy that I see 24/7, hang out with 24/7.

Sebastian. I need to talk to Sebastian.

He was the first person I could talk to about this. I could speak to Leah, I know that. But, she wouldn't understand how nervous I feel. Besides, she seemed like the type of person to run back to her ex whenever she wasn't thinking straight—that assumption was only made because of Haley's birthday party. I didn't see Robin at the farm once I stormed out the house and pulling my backpack by the straps. Therefore, she was still at home. Now, I didn't even bother to take the smallest steps Robin made, I jumped off the porch and immediately ran around the house to take the shortcut to Sebastian's house.

I have to suck it up some day, maybe today wasn't the day. Maybe tomorrow or next week will be ideal. I wasn't very sure of my availability but, it was a matter to worry about in the future.

My breathing pattern was thin and quick. I was breathless from the never-ending sprint. Thank goodness, the windy morning air dried any sweat from building up. I tried to look as calm as possible as I opened the door to the house. No matter how many times I've opened doors, it was a shock to think that people allow me to come in without warning. Maybe Sebastian was right. This town doesn't have any privacy, meaning that no one is really safe. I didn't bother worrying if I was one of the reasons why Sebastian doesn't like this town, I never respect his privacy when it comes to entering his room. But then again, we weren't in the best of terms to discuss that type of boundaries.

I paused as I was midway from closing the front door behind me. I catch Robin kneeling down and setting up her equipment for the day. She sensed me pausing and squints her pretty eyes at me. "It's just me, Buffy. Is everything alright?"

I gulped, keeping my breathing calm and steady. I slowly closed the door as I shuffle with my cardigan dropping off my right shoulder. I breathlessly started, "Yes. Is Sebastian—" I catch a faint lip biting smile bleed into her lips "here?"

She chuckles, turning to her box of equipment to ignore my confused tone. She hums, "Downstairs."

Before I picked up my feet once again, I kicked off my sheepskin boots and placed them on a shoe rack near the door recklessly. I hurried, sending Robin a quick nod of appreciation before my pace takes off. With my back pack still hanging on my arm, I let my body jump down the stairs like a feared victim. Before I knew it, my hands reached the door handle and stormed into Sebastian's room. I shut the door, not realising how loud I was as I flinch at the doorframe vibrating. I cringed thinking that I just tarnished my reputation with just one noise.

I turned around, telling myself there are worse things to worry about. That's when my eyes snapped onto Sebastian. His dark hair damp and scruffy, a slight fringe framing his temples. And then, the breathtaking part was his body came into my view. He had a towel strapped around his hips and his body had a tiny hint of pink from how hot his shower must had been. The image of Sebastian's body in the shower, his hair completely wet against my chest while sucking my breasts gave me a tickling sensation down my spine.

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