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It was fall, autumn— I don't care about the season's name, I just hate it. The sound of wet leaves killed me because I was thinking it will sound crunchy. The only best part is how warm it was. The first day of school was easier than I expected, throughout the holidays I learnt everyone's names and made sure it stuck. My classes were amazing but weirdly small, having only one class for each year - I practically saw everyone everyday... this includes Sebastian.

My daily routine was simple. I learnt how to wake up earlier than how I did back at the city and run errands without any rush. I make my own breakfast, meet up with Haley and Alex and walk to school. I remembered why I didn't like the stereotypical jock once I spoke to him for the second time, I realised how annoying his aura is. Apart from the sly comments about the idea that "females were weaker", we bonded on the fact that we didn't like Sebastian.

I became obsessed with Sebastian but in a way that didn't give stalker vibes. Every thing he did —from how he acts in class to how he walks— I made sure I would run back to Alex and make fun of the guy. He always came into my view, I didn't know if he was doing it on purpose or he wasn't self aware but, he was always so moody and he loves to stare, he doesn't like— no, he loves to stare at me with those cold and dull eyes. However, the thing I really hated about him— the top most hated thing I had for that man was his taste in books.

We had the same taste. Isn't that crazy? The person I grew to hate more and more each day had the same book taste as me. The library was my second home here as the chairs were so comfy to study in. However, I was bored during the second week of being there and I started looking around the isles. I went from romance to horror and once I stopped at fantasy, the book I was urging to learn and read about was taken right in front of my eyes.

Sebastian, that fucking cunt had taken The Ruined Souls of Hanna just when my hand was nearing towards the spine of the book. Oh, and I remembered how he walked away without looking back, flicking through the pages and going back to his seat with his friends. From that day, I raced to the library right when the bell rings. Sometimes, I was fortunate enough to read it but on other days, he would beat me to it. So, now me and Sebastian have the same intentions - to get the book before the other one can.

It was morning, edging into 6AM and I felt refreshed despite that fact I had five hours of sleep. During my stay here, my grandpa was hitting his old age harder. He wouldn't wake up to his alarm and it would take him awhile for him to get out of bed. Today was one of those days, he wasn't as much of an early bird unlike the first week I moved here.

I got dressed, letting myself wear a black, baggy cropped cardigan and a brown ankle length skirt with satin flora prints on it. I forgot to mention how obsessive I've gotten to long skirts. My mismatched socks covered my feet from touching the cold floor as I knock on grandpa's door, repeating, "Alarm, Alarm."

I cracked the last egg from the box into the sizzling pan and I fan out the slightly smokey air flying up. I coughed at it because I was still unable to understand what is considered "cooked". Hearing the bedroom door open and close, I groan at the fact that I didn't make breakfast in time.

"I swear, hash browns and sausages were on the menu, I just... didn't have sausages," I sighed, my hands were on my hips as I confusedly looked for the spatula. I scratched my head, Where the fuck did it go?

"Mm, 'hope there isn't any shells in that," I founded the spatula, holding the stem and smiling at it like I won the olympic gold medal, "s'burnt."

My grandpa was peeking from my left shoulder, his rough and wrinkled pointer finger was wiggling at the pan. I turned to him and scrunched my nose, "No, not burnt. Just old, like you."

NEVER AGAIN . (SEBASTIAN - SDV)Where stories live. Discover now