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It felt like two hours but it was only twenty minutes. Five minutes were left with me hiding in bed, the next ten minutes exposed me pacing around the kitchen and the last five minutes was the definition of torture. I recalled every rule in my head as I ease my panic. Not a team, not partners, friends—lovers... Stress ran into my bones, my flesh and blood as I repeated that same phrase for the last five minutes. With every second coming to a close, my heart thumps harder, my body feels an explosion of heat fuel inside of my core. I wasn't thinking about the rules the whole time. I was mostly wondering about how Sebastian was when it came to a free house in the middle of a quiet farm. It was a big jump to think we were going to fuck but, it's better to be safe then sorry. To this moment, I still had no plan or motive. I was just a panicking mess.

My ankle went uneasy as I heard a knock from the front door, I bit my lip to stop myself from wincing from the trip. The last thing I need is for Sebastian to tease me about something else. I scrambled myself up, flicking off any dust from the floor off my— no, his pants and forced my natural persona to shine. My body weighed onto the door, my head planted as my mouth exhaled the breath I didn't know I needed to let go. I held the lock, my hands currently shaking from the moment. But then, I retreated my hand from the handle with more anxiety filling me up. No. no I can do this. So, ever so slowly, I twisted the handle, unlocked the door and opened it. I think my shaking hand caused my body to open the door too fast as I already felt Sebastian's eyes widen. However, I didn't meet his eyes, not when I know what happens when I do. One hint of eye contact contains a pretty pit of hell to fall into, I will fall into a deep trance that'll leave me hungry. My eyes flickered an inch up, catching his decorated collarbone but shone just enough bone to make my knees ache. But then, my eyes noticed him with his hands in his pockets and a male smirk up. I was burning everywhere, I was about to take off my clothes right in front of him if I didn't look away.

"Well hello," he speaks darkly, his tongue dragging his words heavenly.

I flinched into a frown to seem a little annoyed but then went back to looking softly at his soft pink lips. I nearly regretted it from the process, his lips glistened with the golden hue of lights collecting all the darkness. "It's cold, get in."

He obeys without a retort, making me step to the side. However, his shoulder manages to bleach into mine, a slight elastic jolt spiking to my tail bone. As he finally stops looking at me, my eyes meet his. I gulped down every liquid contained in my mouth while I stepped back and he admired the place. I didn't dare to look around. This room was cluttered in a beautifully organised way, I've seen it too much it became boring.

Now, I'm not an innocent person. I know how sex works and what to do. The only problem I had was the moment before that. What do we do as we lean into things more ...explicit? The other experiences I've dealt with became blurry memories in my head, as if they ran away from me. Sebastian suddenly takes the backpack off his shoulders that I hadn't noticed until now—and I wondered how admirable he was for me to not notice he had one on. He quickly unzipped the bag and pulled a pile of yellow fabric out. I stared at it in confusion —eyebrows twitching— before he said, "It's your dress."

I gasped, snatching it and realising how it was starting to wrinkle. I frowned as I placed it onto the kitchen table for me to iron later. "Thanks."

I turn back to him, slowly this time. In my forgotten rule to not look at him breaks, causing my eyes to hit his... I averted my gaze to his shirt. I couldn't look him straight in the eyes without my knees buckling into the floorboards. Why did he have to be like this—to look like that?

A little chuckle came out his mouth as he placed his bag on the seat, "What's up with your front porch?"

I shrugged, my hands held in front of me. He spoke normally but never once had the slightest hint of bark on. It made me weakly hungry. "It's for my grandpa."

NEVER AGAIN . (SEBASTIAN - SDV)Where stories live. Discover now