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When Haley said taking pictures means the world to her, I did not think it would be like this. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing scandalous. However, why am I sitting on Alex's lap? I glared at Haley as she continuously jumped on the spot. I even turned to Alex under me who just gave a quick shrug. I feel like Haley didn't need to go this far—And I knew she was trying to play matchmaker. My makeup was subtle but my clothes were... actually, my clothes were cute. I had a white satin dress that reached down to my ankles, it had a sewn on corset and there were no straps. Because it was Haley's, the bust slipped down every now and then and with the thin fabric, it made the buds of my nipples poke out like a freak. But, it did make me feel sexy...

Sitting on Alex's left thigh was like a devil's wish, his smirk was half teasing and half awkward. Overall, it did feel good. He was a nice seat—his thigh I mean.

Multiple pictures were taken, most were "candid" photos where Alex and I had to act like couples. Now, my only worry is if Haley would send her portfolio to someone else without my knowledge. It was stated that I've been dead on the Zuzu news just a while back and I really hoped she didn't do anything without telling me. Therefore, with my hand on Alex's cheek and staring at him like we knew what Real Love is, I quickly spoke to Haley to cleanse my worries out.

"Once you're done with your portfolio, send it to me. I'll send them to my agent. If anyone untrustworthy gets your photos then you might not get the recognition."

It was easy for Haley to agree because who would ever think that Buffy would damage her reputation? She was too clueless, I hated it. I wanted her to question me.

Once I was done for the afternoon, I went back home. Home, so I can rest and stare at the ceiling like what I've been doing for the past two weeks. The days past through like a blur with only some light in the middle. All I could remember related to Sebastian and I couldn't care less that he was my main thought. My makeup felt heavier and heavier as I carried shopping bags from Pierre's. It was like I was carrying an extra kilogram worth of seeds as my grandpa walked to the saloon. I thought about this morning, when I was on Alex. Haley clearly doesn't have any feelings for him and it only left my mind adding an extra gram to my problems. We need them to fall in love—but what if they were never friends? Maybe that would create a conflict.

As I watch my grandpa walking with a small limp, I just let my thoughts hit me. Sebastian and I have been getting close enough and for some reason, I simply don't care what happens between us. Now, I do have major issues with him knowing hidden facts about me but overall, I don't feel worried by him one bit. I don't trust him but I couldn't worry too much if he was keeping my secrets for blackmail. There's nothing that I can say but that, I don't care. I don't care about anything and I didn't have the nerve to wonder what I wanted or needed. Even the plan feels boring. The way that a few days ago I was loving the fact there was a mission to do—Now, I'm confused. I think I'm just burnt out from everything.

No worries.

No worries.

No—But just like a superpower that changes the speed of the universe, the world, the town, the leaves swishing and my grandfather's movements went slow, still even. I caught my grandfather's knees buckling. His upper body looked unaware and just like a click of a finger, he dropped onto the floor—he just collapsed. Collapsed...

My arms felt numb, my body felt I just swallowed the sea in one gulp. It was so odd that I kept silent, merely observing him. It replayed and replayed in my head and I wasn't sure how long I was feeling this. My eyes burned, I didn't know when was the last time I blinked. Help me. What am I doing? I let time continue on but my body felt stuck—frozen inside a time capsule. Help me. Help me. Help me. I would scream but I'm too scared to. Grandpa just fell down, maybe he could pick himself up. However, he stayed on the cobblestone tiles, probably enduring heat from the sun. My feet were trapped in clamps as I tried so hard to move. I couldn't move, I wanted to fucking move.

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