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I knew my grandpa was a carefree man, furthermore, he was very childish in the revenge department. I'm happy that I'm worth something for him to listen to— it may sound broken and very silly of me but I'm so grateful he's with me and that I'm here. I'm happy I'm here. For the first time since I moved here, I feel safe somewhere.

Visiting grandpa in the hospital was... bittersweet. I love seeing him but every moment I glance at the hospital bed, I recall my grandpa collapsing in the town square. It didn't affect me too much, at least I can see him. I enjoyed his characteristics, it made me feel good and listened to. It was even more interesting when I told him what had happened in the lunch hall. Thankfully, I had the courage to tell him that Sebastian was helping me out. However, grandpa was mixed between "I should have just dealt with the confession" and the enjoyment of entertainment. It's true and he had a point, I should've just heard the confession and turned Alex down. But, I can't change that. The decision was set.


It sucked ass and I realised that getting suspended was NOT worth it. When I had to leave grandpa, I had cursed at myself with every step on the way to the farm because I was too lazy to do my chores before visiting. However, I knew if I stayed any longer, I would sleep at the clinic. Surreal. Being suspended felt surreal. It reminded me of the time when I dropped out a while back. So, as I water the crops, feed the animals and organise the farm - I began thinking. Maybe, instead of dreading, I should enjoy this life that is now forever set for me. And that didn't mean "change myself for the better" but to love every moment, this is a part of a chapter and I knew if I don't enjoy the moment, I'll regret it when the darkest times come.

Hours of daydreaming and continuing my chores like a damn robot, I hear the banging and creaks of Robin's work. I tried to ignore it but at this point, I've gotten too used to the company to hate it. Nothing special was eventful throughout these late hours of the afternoon until a low yell came from behind my sweaty body. My body was alerted to twist and my reflexes raised my hedge shears like a horror movie protagonist. As my mind comprehends my stance of a ready foot and loose shoulders it freaks out into embarrassment. This town isn't a dangerous place but the past memories just sunk into me. I stepped away from the hedges I was trimming and squinted to see the local mailman passionately waving in my direction. My dry mouth heaves out a huff as I relax myself to wave at him. I removed my gardening right glove and kept the shears and glove gripped into my left hand as I stomped over the crops to reach my way to him.

"Good afternoon, Tom," I smiled, still squinting from the Summer sun beaming on my face. I quickly used my hand as a shield so I could see the six foot five tall, middle aged blond male in front of me. He was holding a box with a bag wrapped from his shoulder.

"How's your pops, little lady?" he chuckles as he shuffles the package to his other hand. We normally had packages that could fit inside the letter box and furthermore, we didn't really order much stuff. Was this package mine?

I snapped my eyes away from the package and sighed into a fake laugh, "He's not my dad– But anyways, he's leaving the hospital in a couple days."

"Oh well, this package is for you, I believe," a wink gestured to me and just like that, he dropped the box into my right hand before saluting me goodbye.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion before a soft cough came out, "uh, okay-Take care!"

I stared at the box once more, wondering if I should leave this package to open for later. But, as I continued to stare at it, I began to rip the tape off the cuts with my eyes just to imagine what was in it. I quickly turned to the hedges beside me, catching the hedges to look just about finished-but not finished in grandpa's eyes. Now, I'm scrunching up my nose and debating on which one is more important.

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