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Once I came home, I shrunk into my shoulders when my grandpa asked me if I grabbed the book he needed. Even if grandpa had repeated it was fine, I continue to feel like I just robbed his time, knowing that he asked me to do such a simple task and I forgot made me feel like I lost a bet. I was grumpy, mad that Sebastian had absorbed my thoughts ever since that incident at the library. I wasn't sure when he had the chance to do that since I had the book yesterday. But, that didn't matter when I realised how petty a person could be, most importantly — an angsty boy. Me, Buffy, a girl who dealt with a lot of petty situations in the past because of the city environment was shocked that someone went out their way to rip a page of a book from a library and also write a -may I add- very vulgar comment in bright red ink. I wondered why I never just borrowed the book for myself. The idea of keeping the book and imagining Sebastian running full speed into the library just to see that the book was gone was very amusing. However, why didn't he do the same? Why would you go out your way to ruin a book? And HOW did he find out what chapter I was on? I guess staring had its benefits.

Grandpa must have noticed my annoyed mood from the moment I opened the cabin door. I never realised how chatty I was when I'm home. Today, I was dead silent.

"What is on your mind?" I couldn't tell him what was going on, he would definitely go into Robin's and report the situation to her. I will never tell him what had happened, I never even told him about the argument at the party. He did find out about me using protection that night, thankfully I didn't tell him who I did it with.

"Just," I had to think about something quick, "Leah and Penny got distracted while I was teaching them. It's even worse that I didn't get my payment."

Grandpa crooked an eyebrow, "Payment? What payment?"

I was smiling at the dinner table, watching him place a plate of butter chicken and rice in front of me. Again, I scrunch my nose, "Drugs."

He knew I was joking however he does know me well enough to know what I'm talking about. He knew about my sarcasm hiding my true intentions.

"I wanted some wine," I puffed out, standing up to wash my hands very quickly. I didn't want to use soap but grandpa shook his head and pointed at the sink again. I didn't argue, I puffed a piece of air right after and washed my hands dramatically, acting like I was a stay at home mum who was trying to hint she had a hard day.

"Buffy," he warned, however I knew he wasn't commenting on my dramatic performance, he would have to forget all our memories together if he didn't know anything about my silly tactics.

He knew about my partying history in Zuzu. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes, clear that I was trying to dismiss his warning, "It's not for me."

"Oh really?" he crosses his arms and leans his hip on the table, "how old do you think I am?"

He was testing me, not to see if I know him well but to express that he was once a teenager. I wasn't lying, I wanted to surprise him with dinner for his birthday which is in three weeks.

"Uh, like ninety four," I joked, flicking my hands in the sink before grabbing a clean cloth to dry my hands.

A little wheeze came out from my grandpa and I scrunch my nose at him as I walked past him and back to my chair. He smiles at me before sitting by himself.

"I'm sixty," he then picked up some chicken and scooped some rice. He took a bite and nodded, pleased at his cooking.

A shrug overcame my shoulders as I scoop some food with my hand, "same thing, silly."

He smiled for a bit but I knew he bit his tongue to stay serious. I know him, I know him because he was just like my older brother.

"I had your mum when I was twenty one. Before that, I used to go to Lewis' house and steal his parents' whiskey. And do you know how old Lewis was?" I shook my head, I didn't want to drag the conversation on by asking why this story was relevant.

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