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17 years old

Her heart beats for him. It could be puppy love but it was too real for it to ever end. Buffy's bare body was found underneath Tamlin's covers the next morning with Tamlin's body on top of hers. She was awoken with ticklish pecks around her breasts. She was always a light sleeper—Or maybe she slept with one eye open. Her eyes opened like a slow breeze, fluttering her eyelashes as she moved around her head to see Tamlin's hands holding her ribs and waist. His head was against her right breast as he kissed and kissed and kissed every curve of the other one. He chuckles as she groans at the blinding star entering the room.

His kisses rose to her collarbone, making her chin lift up with a tiny little puff of air falling out her lips. Making love in the morning wasn't on her list for today. Buffy hears Tamlin shuffling up onto his knees and he was finally above her face, the permanent lazy smirk makes her frown. His hands were denting the pillow she was laying on.

"When did you get those?" Tamlin bent his elbows, making his mouth kiss her neck slowly. Buffy groans again yet it was groggy and not as romantically pleasing like the ones she let out last night.

"Huh?" Her confused mumbles were so weak that it blended into the honking background noise from the streets. She looks around, squinting at the light as she realised she wasn't on Tamlin's bed, it was a hotel bed.

"These—" Tamlin placed his elbow on the pillow and leaned his head on his palm. He leans beside Buffy's body with his free hand swiftly moving to her breasts, two fingers pinching the bud of the nipple. He pinched too hard that her eyes shot wide and her body swatted his hand off. She rushes up, shuffling Tamlin's body which was partly laying on her arm and swinging her legs to the side to look for her undergarments. She collected her underwear —a red thong that Jana gifted— and equipped it on so quickly she looked like her parents were banging on the door.

Buffy frantically looks around the room, finding her clothes nowhere to be seen. She cursed at herself, how could I be so foolish?! The last time she slept with someone was at some party in Pelican, she couldn't recall the name of the boy but that didn't matter. One night stands are fine—only if she wouldn't see the person again. The green haired girl allowed her messy bed hair to cover her peripheral vision. It gave some sanity back as her hair will shield her from glancing at Tamlin ever again.

"Fuck, you look so good," Tamlin observed with a hiss at the end. If he tried to be inaudible, he failed. Buffy just furrows her eyebrows harder into her lashes as she storms to the bathroom. That's where she caught her clothes drenched in the sink. She could've sworn she growled. She twisted back to the bedroom and stood there, bare breasts out and a scowl on her face.

Her eyes glared hard into Tamlin. He had the duvet covering his midriff as he lay his head on his hands. His shoulders and head were leaning into the pretty headboard, "What's the matter, dear?"

"I am not your dear!" She snaps back and throws her hands over her face. He wet my clothes so I can't leave! His smirk let out hums at her, making her ears burn in anger. "If you don't have spare clothes, I'll walk out in nothing but these."

Buffy points at her thong and Tamlin just licks his lips. Buffy scoffs at how Tamlin laidback he was. Buffy knew he was very casual—almost too calm for Zuzu. She loved but hated it. It eased but scared her.

"You can do that... or we can just talk like adults," Tamlin licks his lips one last time before patting on Buffy's side. She groans, there was no way she was going to walk out naked. Maybe if she had a couple of drinks she could... No, she had to oblige. She sighs off the expression she threw at Tamlin and walks around the bed to sit on. Her upper body was also leaning against the headboard but her arms were crossed.

"I like you, Buffy. I don't want to be strangers anymore." Unlike his romantic and annoying teasing tone, he sounded soft. Softer than all those words of encouragement when he was tasting or aggressively pounding into her. Buffy's heart forgot to beat, her stomach went full. She didn't drink last night, nor did Tamlin.

She takes a moment. It was clear they liked each other, everyone noticed it as well. But, the rule to only be strangers was stuck onto her like a sign. She slouches, slipping her body down until her head is back on the pillow. She was falling harder and harder by the day and this fear is holding her back.

"This isn't a good idea," she huffs and rolls to her side to stare at Tamlin. If she looked any lower, she would be able to admire every curve of his muscles on his stomach. She forced her eyes to stay on his face.

"I don't care, I want to be with you."


"Buffy, I really want you by my side." Tamlin slides down to her, his face nearly inches away from kissing her nose.

"I'm already on your side. You know how much I hate labels."

She hated labels yet two minutes later, she began begging for Tamlin to touch her properly. She cried out as she straddled him, screaming that she will be his girlfriend—That she will be his lover. His hands were so hard on her ankles, pushing her knees into her jaw as the poor length of him curved into her. Forever, they said. Moaning into each other's lips before they had to shower.

NEVER AGAIN . (SEBASTIAN - SDV)Where stories live. Discover now