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Sunday was my least favourite day, after that was Wednesday. I surely hope I don't sound like an ungrateful fool since I only have three school days a week. Sundays are when I hang out with Haley and Alex, that used to be a pleasant experience to handle during the first few weeks. Unfortunately, I grew tired— it became a chore, furthermore, after Sebastian's recent conversation with me, I became even more drained. Nothing much happens during my little hang outs with the two. All we did was gossip, eat and... well, that's all. I never knew how boring it was to be waiting for Haley to spring up a conversation about her photography. She wasn't one to talk about her work, I didn't know she even wanted to be a photographer until Sebastian told me. I felt like a baby that was covered by a cloth, hiding from the diseases I could spread.

"Buffy, you're awfully quiet," Haley alerted me. Her voice pronounced my name in sweetness, hiding her devilish beast within her. Poor Abigail, I wondered if Haley had a sweet voice before hurting her.

I arose from the bed, I was laying on her duvets while staring at the pretty ceiling. It was white and had cute little glow in the dark fairy stickers. I turned to see Alex leaning on the wall with his foot on it and arms folded. Haley was at her stupid vanity, spreading on red lipstick on her pale pink lips. The red lipstick reminded me of my many missions I encountered in the past. I was always the seduction character—alongside Jana, easing up the awful humans before pouncing.

I scratched my hairline, it was the closest thing to my wavy hair. I couldn't dare touch my scalp, I would puff out my texture. I shrugged, "Don't really find the conversation interesting."

"Oh, but we are talking about Sebastian. Surely you would enjoy a little chat about that black haired fool." He was no fool, two days ago I would have agreed but not until recent events. I found bravery in his presence, knowing that he was making a difference for the town without showing off. Humble indeed... But maybe I could fix his cocky attitude next.

I crocked up my eyebrows, trying to show some care about his name. From the amount of times I've spent with him in the past week, his name coming into display was draining. "What did you say about him?"

"There she is," Alex smirks and walks up to me. He swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug. We were now on Haley's bed, looking as if we're canoodling. I fought the urge to shake his arm away, however, this is what I get for hanging out with Haley. Sooner or later, Alex and I will be as close.

"Alex caught him smoking in the school bathrooms on Friday and he only told us today!" Haley complained. I didn't even notice Haley's hair. It was up in a high ponytail, the ends were so smooth and bouncy unlike my hay-of-a-mess.

"Well, it's not a big deal—everyone knows he smokes. Might die from a disease before we can graduate," I coldly said, feeling Alex's presence get off me and lay on the bed right behind me. He adjusts the pillow before chuckling.

"I hope he will hang himself right now."

"Why do you hate him again?" I smiled. Alex loved the chat about Sebastian but had never said anything about why he did.

Haley mocks, answering for him, "Sebastian's smoking revokes him. He says that it will ruin his lovely pink lungs."

"You can just stay away from him. Who would want to go anywhere near him?" I scoffed, standing up and patting down and rubbing onto the wrinkles on my skirt, "I'm thirsty."

I started heading to the door before I turned back to my friends. Haley was about to stand up too, "Me too. Alex, do you want anything?"

He shakes his head. Haley and I softly smiled at each other before walking to the kitchen.

NEVER AGAIN . (SEBASTIAN - SDV)Where stories live. Discover now