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"Your name's Sebastian, right?" a silvery yet honeyed voice soothed into Sebastian's left ear while his lips touched the infamous red plastic cups that -somehow- every teenage party had. That voice was filled with a pleasant musical sound, nearly too pleasant that shouldn't be trusted.

Sebastian continuously gulped down his portion of his blond-haired friend's drink while scanning the room. After his sip, his head barely grazed the wall behind him before he sent a longing stare at the lady he's been eyeing this whole night. Buffy, or Elizabeth. Actually, Sebastian wasn't sure what her name was. Buffy was some sort of nickname that she tends to introduce herself as. Her parents differ from what he heard. A couple of days ago, when Buffy's grandfather was giving his family a tour of the deadly boring town, he went to the mountains first. Sebastian was speaking to his mother when the door opens, Sebastian remembered how his mother's customer voice made him chuckle. That's when he saw Buffy, her mother introducing her as Sarah, her father calling her Elizabeth and her grandfather called her Buffy. Sebastian didn't want to worry about what name fitted her, he didn't care much about it before he walks back to his room after saying his quick and conversational farewells. He never thought he was going to see her again.

That all changed when his best friend, Sam planned a party as his parents went to the city for an anniversary celebration. Sebastian was invited because -of course- Sam had said: "you're my best friend, you need to come". Sebastian didn't think it was going to be anything special from the other parties that were hosted throughout the years, and this party was the same as every other, drinking, hooking up with people, trashing the place - it was even worse that Sebastian was going to clean up with Sam because he was his friend. Everything was boring, everything was like history repeating itself - until Buffy arrived with her hand holding onto Haley's arm.

Sebastian was sitting on a couch when a small opening perked out and just a split second later, he caught the city girl within his sight. The whole night, Sebastian couldn't force his eyes away. He wasn't falling in love with her, no, that would be silly— he wanted to know about the city, to learn about it ...He wanted to use her for information about the city. He carried on, drinking and smoking every couple of hours. It was only when he finished his last smoke break and had to go back inside is when Buffy came alone and spoke to Sebastian.

"Yeah. Buffy, right?" Sebastian's rough voice felt weird when the music from Sam's speaker was pounding into his diaphragm.

It seemed like Buffy heard him well, a sweet smile was bright with all her teeth showing. She was stunning, her eyebrows had a slight arch, little acne scars that painted the sides of her cheeks but still looked more like perfections than flaws, her eyes so dark that he envied it - if she was high no one would notice, lips plump with a brown to pink tone and finally, her dyed mossy green coloured hair that reached just below her chin. She looked like the embodiment of the central part of Zuzu, not that Sebastian had been there, it was just from what he had seen on the internet.

"How do you know my name?" her voice went a little croaky at the end but still remained smooth and clear, she had a little taste of the Zuzu accent. Her chin fell just a bit, letting her eyes stare into his with her eyes blinking slowly at him.

He should be falling in love but, it was just admirable. She looked free as a bird, only having to care about style and what to post on Vinstagram.

Sebastian leans his body off the wall and lets the side of his arm lean onto it. Now he was facing Buffy from just a few inches away. He crooked an eyebrow at her question, "We met when your grandpa introduced your family to me and my mum."

Buffy frowned and looked around as if she was trying to collect the memories back into her head. Sebastian was patient enough to when it hit ten seconds, he smirked when she gasps, "Oh yeah, shit. Sorry, I had coke that morning."

NEVER AGAIN . (SEBASTIAN - SDV)Where stories live. Discover now