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Smoke slowly rose into the already cloudy sky, covering the sun and turning the day into night. Students screamed and ran for their lives. Many grabbed what they could and ran outside. Teachers worked hard to gather them up and calm them down.

Most just stared. Stood and stared. Completely in shock.

Not Wednesday.

She loved a good mystery, especially one that involved arson and property destruction.

She headed forward but Enid dragged her back.

"Wens!" Enid whined. "You can't possibly want to-" She saw Wednesday's oddly relaxed and determined face and let her go. After Wednesday was nearly out of sight, Enid threw aside her worries and ran after her.

Wednesday stepped into the blown up hallway. Nothing was too damaged, besides the wall being gone. Small flames licked the walls, but it was clear that the attacker's intent was not to burn down the school, he just wanted to get everyone's attention.

Wednesday glanced around. She swore no one was in sight, but a man seemed to materialize in front of her. His silhouette seemed to have a long robe on.

It reminded Wednesday too much of last year's villain and she shivered.

The man stepped forward, his dark silver hair covered in ash and his cyan eyes dull with exhaustion.

"Damian Hofferson." Wednesday breathed. He crossed his arms. He wasn't wearing his amulet. "Is this about those kids?"

"You're damn right it is!" He shouted. "They were good people! They don't deserve to rot in jail!"

"I had nothing to do with that if that's why you're here." Wednesday knit her gaze. Seriously? A lousy revenge story? "Their own stupidly was their downfall if you ask me."


Wednesday heard a shuffle behind her and turned to see Enid.

"Wednesday-" She started to say. Suddenly, her face went white and she gripped her ears. Upon moving her hands away for a moment, both girls saw they were covered in blood. Several whines and howls were heard from afar.

"Stop it." Wednesday demanded, turning to Damian, a slight panic rising in her. "Stop it."

"You're doing this to her Addams!" Damian announced. "One wrong move and it's over!"

Wednesday notcied the small device in his hand and stepped toward him angrily. "I said stop it-" She suddenly froze, as if an unseen force was gripping her in its fist.

She couldn’t move. Her head pounded. Her vision was cloudy. She could barely breathe. What was this? Was she dying? No. No! She refused to die in such a stupid and embarrassing way!

"Wednesday!" She heard Enid call before collasping in pain.

A second person appeared beside Damian. They were dressed in all black and a hood covered their face.

"Well done, Damian." The new person him on the shoulder. Damian looked extra awful now that the second man was here.

"My, what a sight." The black figure gasped.

Wednesday gritted her teeth. "Who are you?"

The hooded man cocked his head. "Whoa. Damian wasn't kidding when he said you were tough." He walked right up to Wednesday's face. "You shouldn't even be standing right now, let alone speaking." He smirked. "Consider me impressed."

Wednesday felt her body weaken from the constant strain on her muscles.

"A name." She demanded.

The man frowned and threw off his hood, revealing cold, brown eyes and golden hair. A scar snaked across his nose and up his face. He also removed his gloves to show off his hands, which were covered in burn scars.

"Well, am I what you expected?" He smirked again.

Wednesday recognized his eyes and felt her body surge with rageful energy.

Damian gasped. "No." The scarred man turned to him. "N-no, it can't be."

"Oh, but it can. Isn't it amazing what happens to a man. . ." He laughed to himself. "When his entrie family dies before he's ten years old."

Wednesday trembled, trying to break free of whatever spell she was under. "You're supposed to be dead."

The scarred man circled back to her. "Oh, believe me, freakshow. My family knows a lot about resurrection." He looked like he wanted to continue but something stopped him. He looked down suddenly and noticed a small white kitten at this feet.  "Wha-"

Xavier came out of nowhere and struck the scarred man in the shoulder with an arrow, knocking him down.

Bees flew in and carried the small devices the two attackers held away.

Thing scrambled onto Damian. Damian screamed and, in his struggle to get Thing off him, fell. Bianca appeared and commanded him to sleep. He immediately passed out.

Wednesday crouched beside Enid, who was still cowering in pain. "Enid, can you hear me?"

Enid looked into her eyes with a blank expression. Wednesday's mouth was moving but she could barely make out any sounds.

Wednesday felt something inside her drop but she ignored it and helped Enid to her feet.

The scarred man was on the ground. He tried to get up but Kent and Divana appeared and commanded him to sleep. He immediately passed out.

Xavier spoke up after several moments of silence. "Okay, what do we do now. I've never done this kind of thing before." He writhed his hands nervously. "You know. . . attacking people."

"Clearly." Wednesday mused, studying the devices.

"I could be of help." Yoko suggested. Her eyes had a hungry look to them.

"No." Wednesday said immediately. Yoko crossed her arms and pouted. "At least not yet." Yoko brightened.

Wednesday slipped the devices into her pocket. She knew what she needed to do. To keep the school, and everyone in it, safe.


♡ Buried Feelings - Wenclair ♡Where stories live. Discover now