Chapter One: The Play

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"Alright, guys!" Mr. Schue came into the room,

"I have an announcement. In a couple of months, we will be doing another musical"

"This isn't like Rocky horror, where we practice and then end up just doing it for ourselves, is it?" Sam asked

"No, Finn, give me a Drumroll because we are doing," Finn immediately began drumming.

"The Wizard Of Oz!"

"Are you kidding, Mr. Shue?! I love Judy Garland. I worship her!" Kurt exclaimed

"I loved that movie as a kid," Blaine said

"Well, we'll have to have a movie night."

"It's Lord Tubbington's favorite movie."

"Hey, maybe we can get your ex-wife to be the witch," Santana suggested.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen, Santana."

"I, for one, think I would make an excellent Dorothy, don't you think?" Rachel declared, standing up.

"Not so fast, Rachel...I've decided to shake things up a little." He said, pulling out a hat.

"He has a hat that can't be good," Santana said.

"In this hat are the characters Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, and so on. You each will come up and pick your role from this hat. You never know what might happen or who you'll pick. Okay, come pick your role." Rachel stood up and reached into the hat.

"Who'd you get, Rachel?" Finn asked

"Th-the tin man!"

"Well, the tin man wanted a heart, and you don't have one," Santana stated.

Rachel rolled her eyes and sat down.

"Who's next."

Tina eagerly jumped out of her seat and moved to the hat.

"Glinda the good witch."

"Alright, Tina. Next?"

Mike Chang moved to the hat.

"Flying monkey." He shrugged.

Mercedes moved to the hat and pulled her role.

"Wicked Witch Of The West, okay! I bet I can pull off that look, but you ain't putting any warts on my face!"

Quinn got up and reached into the hat.

"Guard number one who worships Dorothy for killing the witch...that's oddly specific." She laughed.

Blaine got up and nearly tripped down the stairs.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked; Blaine gave him a thumbs up and moved to the hat.

"The Scarecrow." Blaine laughed at the irony; Finn went after him.

"The Cowardly Lion."

Kurt got out of his seat, hoping for a good role; he was shocked when he read the name he drew.

"D-Dorothy." He smiled a little; Rachel, however, wasn't pleased.

"Mr. Shue, are you serious? We can't have a male, Dorothy. It's never been done!"

"Well, neither has a female tin man; this is how we're doing it, Rachel. Congratulations, Kurt." Everyone clapped

The next day they practiced some lines.

"Let's start with the entrance of the wicked witch of the west,"

"Okay," Kurt said as he, Mercedes, and Tina pulled out their scripts.

"Alright, ready, action!"

"Who killed my sister? Who killed the Witch of the East?! Was it you?!" Mercedes read from her script, and Kurt looked at his script.

"No, no, it was an accident! I didn't mean to kill anybody!"

"Well, my pretty, I can cause accidents too!"

"Aren't you forgetting about the ruby slippers..." Tina read. Kurt quickly raised his hand.

"Mr. Schue, what are we going to do about the slippers? Because I'm not wearing high-heeled shoes."

"Why not? They would look so great with your dress," Santana said.

"I'm not wearing a dress, Santana!"

"I already have it figured out. Just keep going."

Mercedes cleared her throat.

"The slippers, yes!" She moved to the right as she would in the show, then gasped.

"They're gone! The Ruby Slippers! What have you done with them? Give them back to me, or I'll-" Mercedes read.

"It's too late; there they are, and there they shall stay." Tina gestured to Kurt's feet, pretending to have a wand in her hand.

"Good guys, good! Oh, and good news, I said good a lot." Mr. Schue laughed.

"I have asked Coach Beiste, and she said that the football players have agreed to be extras, such as monkeys, guards, and apple trees. We are in business!"

"Alright, let's practice Kurt finding Rachel. Wait, where's Blaine? Blaine!"

"Here, here, sorry!" Blaine came running and almost tripped again.

"Okay, looks like you're getting into character." Mr. Shue laughed.

"Rachel, get into position."

"Mr. Schue, I still think this is ridiculous. Kurt and I should trade roles.

"Geez, Rachel, don't be so heartless; let Kurt have this," Blaine said.

"How dare you!" She turned to Finn "are you going to let him talk to me like that?"


"What's the matter with you?! You're being such a coward! Perfect for the role!"

"Enough!" Mr. Shue exclaimed.

"Kurt is the lead, end of discussion! Rachel, get into position; Kurt, Blaine, start after the apple trees" The two nodded and began to rehearse the scene.

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