Chapter 13: The Wicked Witch's Castle

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The monkeys that had captured Kurt flew him to the witch's castle and dropped him to the ground onto his knees.

"Ow!" He groaned angrily.

"Well, well, well...." The witch walked up to him; Kurt's anger turned to fear as he tried to crawl back, but one of the monkeys pulled him off the ground.

"What a pretty little bird." The witch said, taking Pavarotti and placing him in a black cage. Her flying monkey companion searched through Kurt's basket.

"And you, my Porcelain skinned one, it's so nice for you to drop by for a visit." 

"Look at this...." The monkey said, holding up the framed photo of Blaine.

"No..." Kurt whispered.

"Very interesting..." The witch said as she held the picture, then handed it back to her companion. Kurt reached for the picture, but the monkey scared him away.

"What are you going to do? Give me back my bird and that picture!"

"All in good times, Porcelain all in good time."

"Oh, please give me back my picture and bird!" Kurt begged.

"Certainly, when you give me those slippers, or whatever they are now!" The witch demanded. Kurt was torn, he didn't want anything to happen to Pavarotti or that picture of Blaine, but he never broke his word.

"But-but The Witch Of The North told me not to!"

"Have it your way..." The witch handed the framed photo and cage to her companion.

"Throw that cage in the river and burn the picture!"

"No!" Kurt exclaimed, gaining the witch's attention.

"Here, you can have your shoes. Just give me back Pavarotti and Blaine!"

"That's a good boy. I knew you would see reason." The witch reached down to Kurt's boots, but they zapped her, preventing her from taking them. This angered her very much.

"I didn't do it, I swear! Can I still have my bird and picture back?" Kurt begged.

"No! I should have remembered! No matter their form, those slippers will never come off as long as you're alive." The witch said, and tears began to form in Kurt's eyes.

"But that's not what worries me. It's how to do it. These things must be done carefully, or you ruin the spell."

The door to the black cage popped open, and Pavarotti began to fly away.

"Go, Pavarotti!" Kurt exclaimed, the witch sent her monkeys to catch Pavarotti, but he escaped.

"Yes! He got away!" Kurt cheered happily.

"Oh, but it won't be the same for you!" The witch exclaimed, leaning close to Kurt, who's eyes widened. 

"You've been more trouble to me one way or another, but it will soon be over now!" She said and moved to an hourglass with red sand.

"Do you see that?" She turned it, and the sand began to fall.

"That's how much longer you've got to be alive, and it isn't long, porcelain, it isn't long. I can't wait forever to get those shoes!" She walked away, locking the door behind her.

 Kurt's heart sank to his stomach, and he dropped to his knees and began to cry.

"I'm scared, dad... I'm scared, Blaine, I'm so scared!" He sobbed. Suddenly, Burt Hummel, Kurt's father, appeared in the crystal ball.

"Kurt? Kurt? Where are you?"

"Dad?!" Kurt ran to the crystal ball, and the image turned to Blaine.

"Kurt? It's me, Blaine. Where are you?"

"I'm here in Oz Blaine; I'm locked in the witch's castle and trying to get home to, Blaine, don't go away! Blaine! Please! Come back!" Blaine's image disappeared, and the wicked witch appeared, mimicking Kurt.

" Blaine, come back! I'll give you your Blaine porcelain!" She cackled, and Kurt was terrified.

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